Create/Edit travel agent

Travel agents can be defined in the additional travel agent module. Follow the steps below to create a new travel agent:

  1. Choose Travel agents from the Financial menu. Then choose Travel agents again.

  2. A list with defined travel agents appears.

  3. Choose New to create a new agent, the travel agent definition window appears.

Enter the following details:


IATA number

All travel agents have a unique number, which is called the "IATA number". If you create a new reservation, you may search for a travel agent by either their IATA number or by the travel agents name. If you use the travel agent module, you can only enter pre-defined travel agents in the Agent field in the reservation window.


The company field is used to select a company address. If the entered company name is not found in the address file, Amadeus - PMPRO allows you to create a new address. It is not possible to choose a company that is already used as a travel agent, a warning message appears once you try to save the details.

Commission code

Used to indicate which pre-defined commission rules should be used for this travel agent.

Calculate tax over commission

Mark if the tax percentage that is defined in commission rules should be added on top of the calculated commission. Leave unmarked if no tax should be calculated at all.

Choose OK to save the travel agent after all details have been entered. Amadeus - PM PRO will check the details before saving. In case a detail is incorrect, a warning message appears. Then correct the problem and choose OK.

See Also