Query Contacts

This option allows you to search for specific contacts such as companies, travel agents and individuals who have stayed or will stay at your hotel.

How to get here?

Query options

You can search for contacts using different search criteria, including last name and first name of the contact, company name, city, contact group, member number, and search or VAT number.

Detailed description




Description of the available options


Click this button to search for a record that meets the entered criteria.


Click this button to close the window.


Click this button to add a new record.

New sub contact

Click new sub contact to add a new contact.


Click this button change the details of the selected contact


Enroll the highlighted contact to selected CRS (BW or IHG)


Option to register consent for data storage, deactivate or lock guest profile, delete or export data of guest profile



Description of the available fields with the right mouse click


Create a new contact

New sub contact

Create a new sub contact (a company contact has to be highlighted to do that.


Change the details of a contact


Delete a contact. Select a contact to transfer the historical data to or transfer these data to 'Unknown name, Unknown company'.


Choose attach to attach the selected contact to a company. This will turn the contact into a sub contact of the selected company.


Choose detach to detach the selected sub contact from a company.

The detached contact will remain a company contact profile. To turn the selected contact into an individual contact profile, click [Edit] and remove the entry in the Company field. Change further details, such as address details, as required.

Show all linked sub records

Shows all sub contacts of the highlighted contact

Set account owner

Enables to select the account owner

Set corporate account

Enables to select the corporate account for this contact


Choose Reservations to view future reservations for the selected contact.

Guest history

Choose guest history to retrieve a list of all past reservations for the selected contact.


Displays leisure activities of this guest profile


Choose document to view existing letters or create new letters for the selected contact.

New Document

Choose a new document to create.


Choose action to create an action for the selected contact.

copy to clipboard

Choose copy to clipboard to copy the address details and salutation to the workstations clipboard. When you open any text editor, you can paste the clipboard content onto the page.

Export to outlook

Choose export to outlook to export the details of the selected contact to Microsoft Outlook.

Restore columns

All columns can be moved across to suit your personal preferences. Choose [Restore columns] to return the columns to their original place, as programmed.

To move a column to a different position, click the column header, drag it to the desired spot, then drop it.