See Also

Creating Address Labels in Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010

This page provides step by step instruction to create labels with Microsoft Word 2007.

More detailed instructions about the mailing module are provided on the mailing page.

  1. In Amadeus - PMPRO go to Contacts » Mailing, or press SHIFT+F3.

  2. Enter the criteria you would like to use to select the contacts for which you would like to create mailing labels, then click Next.

  3. Specify the sort order in which the contacts should be exported, then click Next.

  4. Select Microsoft Word and click Next.

  5. Select the appropriate template option.

If you do not have a template for labels yet

  1. Select "Create new template" and click Next.

  2. Choose "Mailing labels" as a template type and click Next followed by Finish.

  3. The contacts will be selected based on the criteria you entered in step 2. Please be patient as this may take some time.

  4. Microsoft Word will start and open the "Mail Merge Helper" screen.

  5. The merge type "Mailing labels" is already specified under "1 Main document".

  6. Click the Setup button to open the "Label Options" screen.

  7. Specify the type of printer, the vendor and the product number of your labels

  8. Click OK to return to the "Mail Merge Helper", then click Close to return to a Word document. This document has a label layout even though you don't see it yet.

  9. Click the Insert Merge Field button and select the fields that must be printed on the labels. For standard labels with the addressee and all address details it is recommended to add the fields «Address_line_1» to «Address_line_9».

  10. Click the Update Labels button to update all labels in the document with the information from the selected contacts.

  11. Click the Preview Results button to see an example of a label.

  12. To print the labels, click the Finish & Merge button and choose the "Print Documents..." option.

  13. Save the document if you would like to use re-use it in the future as an "Use existing template" in step 5.

If you already have a template for labels

  1. Select "Use existing template" and click File.

  2. Select the template file you wish to use and click Next followed by Finish.

  3. The contacts will be selected based on the criteria you entered in step 2. Please be patient as this may take some time.

  4. Microsoft Word will start, open the selected template and insert the contacts in your selection.