See Also

Credit Card Interface Preferences The bomb advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster. Be extremely careful in changing the setting. Changing that parameter setting will have a verry strong impact on the systems functionality. It may cause the system to produce incorrect financial and statistical figures and the system may even stop working properly. Do not change the parameter if you are not absolutelly sure what you are doing, Contact your system vendor first!

The Credit card page is used to specify settings to interface with third party Credit Card systems. Additional interface software must be installed to interface with third party systems. Contact your vendor for an up-to-date list of supported systems. Depending on the third party system, the interfaces can be used:

The bomb advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster. Be extremely careful in changing the setting. Changing that parameter setting will have a verry strong impact on the systems functionality. It may cause the system to produce incorrect financial and statistical figures and the system may even stop working properly. Do not change the parameter if you are not absolutelly sure what you are doing, Contact your system vendor first!Interfaces are installed and tested by your vendor, preferably together with the vendor of the system that has to be interfaced. Do not change any of the interface parameters. Changing a parameter may cause an interface to stop working properly, which may result in loss of revenue!

How to get here?

Field description




Enable interface

Enable this parameter to activate credit card interface functionality in PMPRO. This requires installation of additional software.

Communication folder

This parameter is used to indicate where the communication directory of the electronic payment software is located.

Credit card interface type

Enter driver name to specify which protocol must be used.

Credit card Increase

If supported by the credit card system, this field is used to specify the percentage which serves as a threshold to increase the pre-authorized amount before the final payment transaction. Example. The percentage you can use depends on the credit card processor however, a good value would be 15. In case of doubt, contact the credit card software vendor/installer.

Credit card Decrease

If supported by the credit card system, this field is used to specify the percentage which serves as a threshold to decrease the pre-authorized amount before the final payment transaction. The percentage you can use depends on the credit card processor however, a good value would be 15. In case of doubt, contact the credit card software vendor/installer.

Visible digits of credit card number

This setting allows you to "mask" a (part of) credit card number that will be printed on guest folios and registration cards. If you enter 4, the last 4 digits are visible, preceded by X-es. Example. From Amadeus - PMPRO version the credit cards are stored in an SQL Server and these security settings take precedence over this setting in preferences. From Amadeus - PMPRO version 10.2.140 the tokenization can be activated that NO credit card numbers will be stored in PMPRO but in a safe location at Amadeus Payments.

Additional amount (9999.99) or percentage (99%) for pre-authorization

Use this setting to specify the additional amount that must be calculated to authorize a credit card for. You can add a fixed amount per night of the guest's stay or add an additional percentage based on the forecasted total stay amount.

  • Enter an amount in the format 9999.99 to add a fixed amount per day to the total stay amount for pre-authorization, e.g. 100.00. If the total stay amount is 250.00 for 2 nights, the default amount used for authorization is 450.00 (250 + 100*2 nights). The default amount can be overwritten.

  • Enter a percentage in the format 99% to add a percentage of the total stay amount for pre-authorization, e.g. 25%. If the total stay amount is 250.00 for 2 nights, the default amount used for authorization is 313.00 (250 + 25% of 250 = 62.50 > round up to the nearest full amount). The default amount can be overwritten.


Save the changes in the Preferences


Close the preferences without saving-


Apply changes without closing the preferences