See Also

Help Online Help

This option opens the on-line help file with the contents tab activated. The help system provides detailed information of the many features in Brilliant, as well as tips to guide you through the program's functionalities.

Note This help file describes all features of Amadeus - PMPRO . Certain descriptions may not be available if you use Amadeus - PMPRO Classic (all Amadeus - PMPRO versions up to version 7.86). Please contact Amadeus Hospitality if you are interested in an upgrade to PMPRO.

How to get here?

Used symbols


The pencil presents interesting pieces of information related to the subject.


The light bulb offers advice or a useful tip to do something.


A caution icon advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster.


Bomb, please be verry careful !!!

The bomb also advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster. Be extremely careful in changing a setting. Changing a parameter setting will have a very strong impact on the system's functionality. It may cause the system to produce incorrect financial and statistical figures and the system may even stop working properly. Do not change a parameter if you are not absolutely sure what you are doing, contact your system vendor first!


See Also


A See Also button is located at the top of each page. Click this button for other pages with related information.

Tips for using online Help: