See Also

Export Files

The Export Files option allows you to review and resend the transmission details for the following file types:

How to get here?

Available options  



Description of the available search options

Start Date

Start date of files to be displayed

End Date

End date of files to be displayed

File type

Select either DCO, REV or EFO

Show only DCO, REV and e-Folio with FTP errors

only records with FTP-errors are displayed


Click this button to search for the entered criteria


Click this button to close the window.

Send File

Select one or more files from the list and click the [Send File] button to resend the selected files to IHG CRS. You should only use this option when a support technician asks you to do so.

Rebuild Data

Click the [Rebuild Data] button to re-create the DCO, REV or EFO files from the historical figures in Brilliant. Amadeus - PM PRO allows you to specify a date range and to indicate which files should be recreated. You should only use this option when a support technician asks you to do so.


Select one or more files from the list and click the [ASCII Copy] button to save a readable copy of the file into the \PMS\TMP folder for review. You should only use this option when a support technician asks you to do so.