See Also

Create CSV letter template

This following steps explain how you can create a new letter template based on a CSV data source, by using an existing letter. Contact your system vendor if there are no letters installed in your system.

  1. Select an existing letter that matches the most with the new letter you would like to create.

  2. Mail merge a reservation or contact with this letter as usual (right click the reservation or contact and choose New Document). Close the letter without saving.

  3. In Brilliant, choose Report Definitions from the Setup » Reports menu.

  4. Search for report group Documents and click [OK].

  5. Select the letter which you would like to use to create a new template.

  6. Choose [Edit] and make sure the used data source (at Output) is CSV. Create a DBF letter template if the selected data source is DBF.

  7. Choose [Design]. The letter template will be opened in Word.

  8. In Word, choose File » Save as. Save the letter under a new file name in the \pms\dot\ directory. The file name may have a length of maximum 8 characters and must have the file extension .doc (e.g. nwletter.doc). Remember this name and close the letter.

  9. In Brilliant, the letter you selected in step 7 is still highlighted. Choose [Copy], make the following changes:

    1. Change the Description into the name of the new letter (in all languages). This name will appear in the document menu.

    2. Change the Template contents into the file name of the new letter (as saved in step 8).

  10. Choose [OK] to save the changes and close the window.

  11. Choose [Design]. The template of the letter will be opened in Word. Make all required changes.

  12. Save and close your new letter template when you are finished.

Please refer to the Microsoft Word documentation for more information regarding mail merge and letter templates.