Advised Banqueting Reservation Procedure

It is advisable to create a conference reservation or banqueting reservation from the conference room plan [CTRL]+[F6].

The following procedure describes how to do banqueting reservations.

If you follow this procedure, the banqueting items/blocks/packages will be charged on check in (and transferred to the Dummy room reservation), during the day the POS system can charge to the conference room if necessary, the balance will always be zero that the conference reservation can be checked out in the evening.

Every day the conference reservations are checked in and out. The dummy reservation is checked in on the first day and is longer than the banqueting function. That gives the user some more time to check the total bill of the Dummy room reservation before it is transferred to the accounts receivable account.



How to make a banqueting reservation:

1.) Go into the conference plan via [CTRL]+[F6] or Reservations menu and Conference plan.


2.) Select the correct date and create conference room reservation for the first day by highlighting a conference room for a period within one day.
    Right mouse click onto the highlighted room and choose 'New' or press [INS]

3.) Fill out the reservation: Guest name, Company name, Agent name, Group name and so on
    Date and times are already taken from the highlighted period, fill out all necessary details like number of persons and conference status.

     Please note: the conference reservations are made for one day each: ZERO nights!

      Please note: as conference hire usually is charged via the banquet module, the rate code price usually is zero per night for conference rooms.


4.) Use insert icon to create a dummy room reservation for several days longer than the conference function
    (If the function is for four days, the Dummy room is supposed to stay for seven days to give the opportunity to go over the bill before it is charged to the company.)

     Do not forget to allocate a room for the Dummy room reservation.


5.) Change billing instruction of the initial conference reservation to the dummy room reservation

     Highlight the first (conference) reservation and click onto the 'Folio's tab'

     Click onto the icon to select the target reservation (Dummy reservation), a new screen will open, enter the room number (allocated in step 4), search and select.

     Select the folio instructions and save the settings by clicking onto the little disk


6.) Use insert option on first reservation to create conference reservation for the second day, hit the [+] key to change the date to the next day (only works if the date field is fully highlighted)

7.) Use insert option on first reservation to create conference reservation for the third day, hit the [+] key to change the date to the next day (only works if the date field is fully highlighted)

8.) Use insert option on first reservation to create conference reservation for the fourth day, hit the [+] key to change the date to the next day (only works if the date field is fully highlighted)

9.) Highlight the first conference reservation, enter the banqueting items, blocks and packages for the conference reservation
for the first day by clicking onto the cutlery icon ( )


By clicking onto 'New Item', 'New Block' or 'New Package you can select the things to be entered, by clicking onto 'Edit' you can change the times, descriptions and much more.

After clicking onto 'New Package' select the package in the new screen and click onto 'Apply' to apply the persons from the reservation, change the time if necessary and click onto 'OK':


Make sure you click onto the tab 'All' to see all items, blocks and packages!


This package consists of 3 blocks with five items, first block one item, second block two items (coffee breaks), third block two items (lunch and dinner)

The packages, blocks and items are ordered by time and day. If you want to have them ordered by blocks you can activate 'Group packages and blocks'

Now they are ordered by day, package, block and item name


10.) Enter the banqueting items, block, packages for the conference reservation for the second day



11.) Copy the banqueting entries from  the conference reservation of second day to the conference reservation of third day


This will result in:



12.) Enter the banqueting items, block, packages for the fourth day


Detailed description


1= Banqueting

You can navigate by day or by room by clicking onto the dates or rooms



2= Reservations

You can navigate by clicking onto the reservation


3= Tabs

You can define the displayed items by selecting the apprpriate tab, 'All' will show all items


4= Header description


5= Button description