See Also

CRS Channel Definition

The CRS channels options is used to specify the room types and rate codes that are published in the online booking engine from RezExchange.

How to get here?

 Detailed description




Description of the available fields


The code you would like to assign to the channel.


The description in the enabled languages you would like to assign to the channel

Room Types

Select the room types you would like to publish on RezExchange.

Note Room type codes must be configured on RezExchange before you enable them in a channel. The interface will receive upload errors from RezExchange when you enable room types that do not exists on RezExchange. Contact to add new codes.

Rate Codes

Select the public, promotion AND corporate rate codes you would like to publish on RezExchange. On RezExchange you can have the following rate types:

  • Public rates: can be booked by every visitor of your website and booking engine.

  • Promotion rates: are not visible to every visitor of your website and booking engine. The visitor needs to enter a promotion code (= the rate code) to be able to book this rate code. You need to communicate the promotion code to your guests via advertisements, social media etc.

  • Corporate rates: are not visible to every visitor of your website and booking engine. The rates are only available to corporate accounts who have a user name and password to access their rate codes.

Note Rate codes must be configured on RezExchange before you enable them in a channel. The interface will receive upload errors from RezExchange when you enable rate codes that do not exists on RezExchange. Contact to add new codes and indicate whether the rate is a public rate (visible to all) or a non public rate (promotion rates or corporate rates)