See Also

Allotment window

The allotment header contains general allotment information such as the start and end date, release and forecast information.

How to get here?

Field description






An allotment is always created for a specific company and/or travel agent. Type the first few characters in the company field and press Enter to search for a company.


Travel agent

An allotment is always created for a specific company and/or travel agent. Type the first few characters in the company field and press Enter to search for travel agent.



Enter the first arrival of the allotment. This is also the first date (night) for which you can allocate rooms to the allotment.

You cannot enter a date before the current business date.


Enter the last possible date (night) for which rooms can be allocated to the allotment. This date is the last possible night someone can have a reservation picked from that allotment. In other words, it is the last possible arrival date within that allotment for a one night stay.

You cannot enter a date before the allotment begin date. If the end date is the same as the start date, the allotment will be created for one night. If you create multiple headers for the same allotment code, the start date and the end date must be different, e.g.:

Release days

Use the Release days field to create an allotment with a 'rolling' or 'one day at a time' release of allocated rooms. Enter the number of days before 'arrival' for which the remaining rooms in the allotment must be released. For example: you have an allotment from 1 February to 31 March for 10 rooms with a release of 7 days. During the night audit of 1 March, all unpicked/remaining rooms of 7 March will be released, on 2 March all unpicked rooms of 8 March will be released, etc.

Rooms in allotments, for which no reservations have been made, will generally be released a number of days before arrival. Based on the release settings, PMPRO automatically releases all rooms that are left in the allotment, adding them back to the hotel's availability again.


It is not possible to enter a number of release days and a release date. If you enter a release date after you have entered a number of release days, the Release days field will be reset to zero and visa versa.


It is not possible to create a reservation within a released allotment anymore.

Release date

Use the Release date field to release all unpicked rooms of all dates in the allotment on the given date. For example: you have an allotment from 12 to 16 June for 25 rooms and reservations can be picked up before June 1. This means you need to release all remaining rooms of the entire allotment on June 1.

Week days

Week days are used to specify for which days of the week the allotment must be created and rooms can be allocated. All days are enabled by default. Remove the check mark for the days for which no allotment must be created.


This option can be used for companies who will have an allotment of e.g. 5 rooms from Monday through Friday.

If you create an allotment only for Mondays to Fridays, you cannot allocate rooms for Saturdays and Sundays and you will not be able to create a reservation within the allotment with a Saturday or Sunday in the stay. If you would like to have this flexibility you should create an allotment for every day of the week, and in the room allocation window don't allocate rooms to Saturday and Sunday.


This option is only available if you create new allotments. You cannot edit an allotment and change this setting.

C/G Code

Alphanumeric code for the IHG CRS Interface. Usually two letters and one digit. May not be used twice within a week.

Best to use the same code for the C/G code, the code and the description.


The allotment code can be any combination of numeric and alpha numeric characters with a maximum length of 10 characters. The allotment code is used in reservations made within an allotment, to reduce the allotments availability.

It is not possible to change the code once the allotment has been saved. You can use the same code more then once, e.g. to create an allotment for the next season same for the same travel agent. However, a date may only exist once within the same allotment code. Example...


Long description for the allotments.



Allotment status, Possible statuses ;

- PRO = Prospect

- TEN = Tentative

- DEF = Definite

- ALC = Allocation, calculated only by entered reservations


Allotment status, Possible statuses ;

- PRO = Prospect: local only, no upload

- TEN = Tentative: uploaded to IHG CRS, no reservations possible

- DEF = Definite: uploaded to IHG CRS, reservations

- ALC = Allocation, reservations possible

Business Awards Event

Field for Business Awards Event


Credit card guarantee

If activated all reservations require a credit card number as guarantee


House sell only

If activated this allotment is uploaded to the CRS IHG interface, but can be sold only locally.


Copy note to reservation

If activated the note field of the allotment will be copied to the note field of the reservations


Disable inventory borrowing

If activated only selected room type can be used.
It is not possible to "borrow" from other room types

It is not advisable to activate this option

Housing description

Description of this allotment to be uploaded to the CRS IHG interface



Note field of this allotment



Available allotments tabs






Revenue section to select revenue main article, revenue breakdown or rate code and to calculate the revenue.

Room types

Section to select the room types used in the allotments


Section to enter the number of rooms per day and per room type


Section to enter the rates per day per room type per adults

Res. Defaults

Section to enter the reservation defaults to be used for all reservations of the allotment


Section to enter additional releases for this allotment

Breakdown changes

Section to enter rate revenue breakdown changes


Log for this alltment

.Naming Hist.

History of the entries via the names list.








Forecast instructions

By default, PMPRO does not calculate occupancy and revenue for unpicked rooms in it's forecast figures. The forecast instructions allow you to specify how unpicked rooms must be forecasted. Limitations...

Estimated booking fill %

Enter the average percentage you expect to be picked up from the allotment. Example: enter 80% if you have allocated 10 rooms and expect 8 rooms to be picked up from the allotment.

Calculations are made based on the number of allocated rooms per room type. Example...

Average number of adults

Enter the average number of adults you expect to be staying in a room that is picked up from the allotment. This is used if the room rate for 1 adult is different then the room rate for 2 adults.

Enter 1.6 if you expect 60% of the rooms to be occupied by 2 adults. Example...


Revenue spread min./max. %

Enter a 'revenue spread' percentage that should be used when the allotment is created for different rate codes with different rates.

Enter 0 if the system should forecast with the lowest rate or 100 if the system should forecast with the highest rate. The system will only forecast with the lowest and highest allotment rate, never with 'medium' rates. Example...


Choose Next to go to the next step if all details are entered.