Country Codes

A country must be specified in the address details of each contact. To select a country, you can choose from a list of pre-defined countries. All countries are automatically loaded in the system during installation. The country is used in (confirmation) letters, registration cards, country statistics reports, etc.

How to get here?  

Detailed description



Description of the available fields


A unique numeric or alpha-numeric code of up to 3 characters. It is recommended to use the alpha-3 code of ISO 3166-1 as defined by the International Organization for Standardization.

Warning.Do NOT change the code once the code has already been used. This will have the same effect as deleting a language, as explained above.


A description of up to 25 characters. The description can be printed on reports. Enter the description and press the arrow down key on the key board to enter the description in multiple languages.

ISO number

A numeric code of up to 3 characters. The figure does not have to be unique and is used to group country statistics. It is recommended to use the numeric code of ISO 3166-1 as defined by the International Organization for Standardization.

ISO2 code

he alpha 2 code of ISO 3166-1 as defined by the International Organization for Standardization. This code is required and used to exchange guest details with loyalty program systems on a CRS.

ISO3 code

he alpha 3 code of ISO 3166-1 as defined by the International Organization for Standardization. This code is required and used to exchange guest details with loyalty program systems on a CRS.


his alpha-numeric field must read a country code for reporting. The field commonly reads the ISO3 code but can also be used for customised country codes for statistical reporting or exports.


his alpha-numeric field can be used to group different countries, e.g. Asia or the Americas.

Tip.Defined countries can be printed from the Reports » System menu.