See Also

Rate Management



Please note: With the IHG CRS 2way interface active all rate codes for standard rooms (not conference or Dummy rooms) are managed by IHG ConcertoTM . If any restrictions are entered, they are only valid locally: the are NOT uploaded!

How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of possible views

Date from-to

The date range that you would like to edit or view your rates.

Days of the week

The days of the week that you can filter your search on.

Rate group

To filter all of Rate Codes in the same group.


To filter all Rate Codes that have the same Market Code.


To filter all Rate Codes that have the same Source Code.

Room type Subgroup

To filter all Room Types that are in the same Room Type Subgroup.  There are two parts to set this up before it can be used.

1.     Create the Room Type Subgroup: Setup » Reservations » Room Type Subgroups » New

2.     Add the Room Type Subgroup to the Room Type: Setup » Reservations » Room Types » Edit » Select the Room Type Subgroup from the drop down menu.

Column & sort order


Enables you to change the sorting order of the screen.

Include inactive rates


This will enable you to see the ratecodes that have been had the active button unticked in the Ratecode set up screen.

Ratecode list Select all/ Unselect all

Select which Rate Code(s)  combination you want to use when Editing your Rates.  This also allows you to Select or Unselect all of your Rates with one click.

Roomtype list select/unselect all

Select which  Room Type(s) combination you want to use when Editing your Rates.  This also allows you to Select or Unselect all of your  Room Types with one click.

Description of the available Tabs

Rate Tab

View off all rates added.

Restrictions Tab

View off all rate restrictions added.

Rates & Restrictions tab


Combination view of all Rates and Restrictions added.

Description of the available fields and options in Edit (Best Western: Edit rate/Edit restrictions)

Base amount

Use the base amount  rate option to specify a rate which does not depend on the number of persons that is entered in a reservation. This option is commonly used for conference reservations, where for example a meeting room is sold for 500.00 per day, regardless the number of persons. Or if used in combination with adults/children it will added on top of.

Adults 1-5

The system allows you to specify a rate for up to 5 adults. Always enter the total rate for the number of adults.

If you have a rate of 150.00 for one adult, and a supplement of 25.00 the 2nd adult and for the 3rd 30.00 and so on enter

Adult 1: 150.00

Adult 2: 175.00
Adult 3: 205.00

Note.If the additional amount is the same for each adult above then use the next field Extra adult rate the system then automatically uses the extra adult amount for all adults higher than 1.

Extra adult

Use this if the extra its a set price per adult extra If you enter 25.00 in the Extra adult filer and 150.00 in adults one the results would be
1:adult 150.00 all other are 25.00 extra. 2:adults 175.00 3:adults 200.00 and so on.

Per child 1-5

The system allows you to specify a rate for up to 5 children. You need to specify the child category parameter on the reservation page in the parameters to be able to specify children rates. If you specify only one child category in the parameters, you can only specify on child rate. Child rates have to be entered per child, the rate which is specified for child level one will be multiplied by the number of children entered in the reservation for that level.


To open or close rates code,then this  rate code is not available if this date is part of the stay.

Closed to Arrival

To open or close rate code for arrival on this date.

Min. length of stay

Rate is only available for arrivals with the specified number of nights or more.

Min. length of  stay-through


Rate is only available if the stay continues the specified number of nights or more from that date onwards.

Max.length of stay

 Rate is only available for arrivals with the specified number of nights or less.

Lead days within up to arrival

Can be used nicely for the advance saver bookings that can only be booked 3 days prior to arrival

Or very low rates can only be booked 100 days in advance.

8/4 means between 8 and 4 days prior to arrival

Lead days 8/4  on the 13-20th

      try to book for 13th on the 11th Not possible (2 days)

      try to book for 14th on the 11th Not possible (3 days)

      try to book for 15th on the 11th yes 4 days

      Can also not book for the 20th  as it is 9 days out.
If you fill in 0/8 then they need to book minimum 8 days prior to arrival
(option not available with Best Western CRS)

Occupancy % min-max


Can be used for example: When occupancy is between 0-50% with a very low rate. (not available with Best Western CRS)

Sell priority

Determines the order in which rates are displayed in the available rates screen. (setting in rate management overrules setting in rate code)

Tier amount

Allows you to vary your rates on a daily basis without having to change your base rate code configuration. A rate tier simply increases or decreases the default rate that has been configured for a given rate code. If changed for a fixed ratecode this will not effect derive/discounted rates and vice versa.  Enter a positive value to increase the default rate and a negative value to decrease he default rate.

Tier percentage

Allows you to vary your rates by a percentage on a daily basis without having to change your base rate code configuration. A rate tier simply increases or decreases the default rate that has been configured for a given rate code. If changed for a fixed ratecode this will not effect derive/discounted rates and vice versa.  Enter a positive value to increase the default rate and a negative value to decrease he default rate.


Enter the  number of rooms that are allocated to this rate code.


Following settings are available for Best Western CRS only and is restrictions to be set on CRS only.


Rate is not available if this date is part of the stay.

Closed To Arrival

Rate is not available for arrivals on this date.

Min Length Of Stay


Rate is only available for arrivals with the specified number of nights or more.

Soft Close

Rate is only available if the stay continues the specified number of nights or more from that date onwards.

CRS Level Allocation


Allocation of rooms for Level.


***NOTE:  When you set a Rate Restriction, on the Restrictions Tab of the Rate Management screen the PMS restriction will show on the left side and the CRS Restriction will show on the right side.  For example if you have a MLOS of 5 for PMS and 3 for CRS it will show as 5/3.


It is now possible to set an overbooking amount on MemberWeb from Amadeus - PMPRO .  Two things must be setup before this feature will work:

  • Best Western has setup Overbooking for your property on their side

  • Overbooking has been setup in Amadeus - PMPRO under Setup » Preferences » CRS » Overbooking tick box is ticked and Overbooking Room types have been selected.


When these two items are in place the “Overbooking” button will be visible in the Rate Management Screen.

  •  When you select Overbooking the following will happen:

  •  Only the Room Types that are authorized for Overbooking will show so you can select which Room Type(s) you would like to set an Overbooking

  • A “Set Limit” pop-up will appear which will allow you to select the Date Range and the Number of Room you would like to Overbook.

  •  Force Update: Only used when the Overbooking you set is not transferred over to MemberWeb


It is possible to set up restrictions or allocations per level. Level A is RACK and overrules all other levels. Level A  can be set per rateocde and roomtype. All other levels can be setup as an overall basis only and not on room type level.