Season Definition

The season table is a list of each date of the year. To each date you can assign several settings which are explained below.

How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of the available fields

From / To


Specify a date range to indicate to which dates you would like to apply the changes. Changes will be made for every date within the range, including the start and end date. Days of the week that are not checked will not be changed.


A description of up to 30 characters which is displayed in the room type availability window, the room plan and hotel status.



A background color which is displayed in the room type availability window, the room plan and hotel status. Click the ... button to select a color. It's recommended to not use blue or black because this will make texts in this color 'invisible'.

Set Event/Color

This allows you to specify which of the above settings must be applied to each date within the given date range. The event/color check box will automatically be enabled when you change one of the above settings. Nothing will be updated when all check boxes are disabled, regardless of entries that are made in the  event or color fields. If you only would like to update the color, only mark the set color option. If you mark all options while leaving the event field empty, all events within the given date range will be blanked.

Set Day Of Week

Select the days of the week you would like to update with the entered season/event/color settings. Only selected days of the week within the given date range will be updated.

Tip.Defined Season Definition can be printed from the Reports » System menu.