Forecast Groups

Forecast groups are used to calculate and print a forecast of (package) items. A forecast group can be assigned to one or more products. If the 'Forecast products' or 'Forecast reservations per forecast group' reports are printed, the system will check all reservations for forecast products used in the rate code splitting, banqueting details and extra charges. Totals are then printed per product and forecast group.

This option is commonly used to print restaurant forecasts for breakfast and dinner.

How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of the available fields


A numeric or alpha-numeric code of up to 3 characters. The code must be unique and is used to attach a forecast group to a product.


Warning!Do not change the code once the code has already been used in products. This will have the same effect as deleting a forecast group, as explained above.


A description of up to 25 characters that can be entered in multiple languages. The description can be printed on reports.


Saves and closes the screen


Closes the screen without saving


Tip.Defined forecast groups can be printed from the Reports » System menu.


How to use in Products:

Or how to use in Rate Revenue Breakdowns:



If you combine both options the breakfast will be forecasted two days later!

One day due to the product being forecasted on the next day and one day due to the rate revenue breakdown being posted the next date.