See Also

Rate Revenue Breakdowns


The rate revenue breakdown is used to post the internal revenue breakdown. A revenue breakdown or splitting is sometimes also referred to as a package.

The rates that are defined in the rate code definition window are used to determine the amount that has to be posted on a guests bill. These amounts will however not be calculated as revenue because the total rate may include package items, such as breakfast or, for conference reservations, audio visual equipment, coffee etc.

Once you have chosen the split button from the rate revenue breakdown list, the breakdown article list appears with all splittings/extras that have already been specified. Choose New to add a new splitting/extra or select a code from the list and choose Edit to change the details. If you choose delete the selected splittings/extras will be removed and not be posted in the future anymore. Changing or deleting splittings/extras details will not have any influence on postings that were already made.

How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of the available fields


Click this button to change the details of the selected record.


Click this button to add a new record.


Click this button to delete the selected record. Note that you cannot delete a record that is in use.



Detailed description in split




Description of the available fields In Split

Split type

Two different split types are available in the splitting definition:

  • Split article: the split article is used to specify a product and how much revenue should be posted to the individual package items. A splitting is always a part of the total posted room rate. The total amount of splittings will be deducted from the total posted room rate, the remaining amount will be posted on the specified main product as attached in the ratecode.

  • Extra article: strictly spoken, the extra article is not a splitting. The extra article is used to specify charges that automatically must be posted extra, on top of the specified room rate on the guests bill. This type is often used to specify tourist tax charges that are not included in the room rate.


The article field is used to specify the product number to which the revenue should be posted. The product first  needs to be defined in the product definition. You may only choose products of products type standard.
It is recommended to use  the room revenue article or the conference room hire article, as these articles generally represent the largest portion of the package.


The article description displays in the description fields once an product number has been entered, it can not be changed.


The amount field is used to enter the amount that must be posted as a split or extra product. The amount can only be entered for split and extra products (the amount posted for the main article is the amount that is left from the total room charge after all split amounts have been deducted). The entered amount can be posted only once or per person, adult, child (per child level) by setting the multiply parameter. The % of rate in reservation option will be disabled once an amount has been entered.

% of Rate in Reservation


This option is used to specify a percentage that must be posted as a split or extra article. The specified percentage will always be calculated from the rate that has been entered in the reservation. If a discount has been provided, the amount will be calculated after the discount has been deducted. The percentage can only be entered for split and extra articles, provided that the amount field is empty (zero). The result of the percentage calculation can be posted only once or per person, adult, child (per child level) by setting the multiply parameter.

% of Main art. Gross

This option is used to specify a percentage that must be posted as an extra article. The specified percentage will always be calculated from the gross main article. If a discount has been provided, the amount will be calculated after the discount has been deducted. The result of the percentage calculation can be posted only once or per person, adult, child (per child level) by setting the multiply parameter.

% of Main art. Net


This option is used to specify a percentage that must be posted as an extra article. The specified percentage will always be calculated from the net main article. If a discount has been provided, the amount will be calculated after the discount has been deducted. The result of the percentage calculation can be posted only once or per person, adult, child (per child level) by setting the multiply parameter.

Formula script file


Can be used to give EG: 10 % discount if reservation made on day of arrival. (please contact your PM PRO support department for more information and how to set this up)


The amount entered in the amount field, or the result of the percentage calculation can be multiplied as follows:

  • Adults: the split or extra amount will be posted for each adult entered in the reservation.

  • Persons: the split or extra amount will be posted for each person (adults and children) entered in the reservation.

  • 1x (only once): the split or extra amount will be posted only once, regardless of the number of adults entered in the reservation.

  • Child level 1: the split or extra amount will be posted for each child entered in the reservation in child level 1. Child levels can be defined on the reservation page in the preferences.

  • Child level 2: the split or extra amount will be posted for each child entered in the reservation in child level 2. Child levels can be defined on the reservation page in the preferences.

  • Child level 3: the split or extra amount will be posted for each child entered in the reservation in child level 3. Child levels can be defined on the reservation page in the preferences.

  • Child level 4: the split or extra amount will be posted for each child entered in the reservation in child level 4. Child levels can be defined on the reservation page in the preferences.

  • Child level 5: the split or extra amount will be posted for each child entered in the reservation in child level 5. Child levels can be defined on the reservation page in the preferences.

Postings will be made with every rate code posting, manual or automatic. Apart from the multiplication setting, the period setting in the rate code definition and the only night parameter also have influence on the posting:


  • for period hour, the posted amount is the amount * multiplication setting for every hour

  • for period day part, the posted amount is the amount * multiplication setting for every day part

  • for period night or day, the posted amount is the amount * multiplication setting for every night or day

  • for period stay, the posted amount is the amount * multiplication setting for every night as indicated in the only night parameter

Only on night


This setting is used to specify at which moment(s) the splitting or extra amounts must be posted. You may use:

  • blank (zero) to post for every night of the guests stay

  • a positive amount (1, 2...) to post for that specific night of the guests stay

  • a negative amount (-1, -2...) to post for every x day of the guests stay (-2 is every second day, -3 every third day...)

  • 999 to post only for the last night of the guests stay

This option can only be used together with rate code period night, day, week, month and stay.

Extra info


This field is used to enter extra information for reservation employees. It will be displayed in the details of the rate code view only. This information cannot be printed in confirmation letters. Use the large description field in the rate code definition to print more rate details.

Post next date


It is possible to have a rate code breakdown item posted on the next business date. This can be used to post for example breakfast revenue on the day the breakfast will be used rather than the day before. This setting can be found in the Rate Revenue Breakdown definition.

POS Allowance

If this Article is to be associated with the Restaurant or Bar, you can enter the flat credit amount.

Allowance Group

The group the POS is to be allocated to. (Allowance Group must be setup separately) Allowances are not in use yet!

Allowance Type

The day the revenue is posted in the Back Office. Allowances are not in use yet!

House Account

The House Account this credit is associated with. (House Account must be setup separately) Allowances are not in use yet!

Exclude from Discount

Tick this box if this article cannot be discounted.


To link a Leisure activity