Travel Agent Commission

The Amadeus - PMPRO travel agent module has been designed to calculate travel agent commissions and print commission cheques. You need an extra license to use the travel agent module. The travel agent module has to be activated in the system tab in the preferences. Restart Amadeus - PMPRO after you have enabled the travel agent module and entered the license.

Define travel agent commissions

Select Travel agent commissions from the File » Manager » Reservations menu, to create different ways of calculating commissionable revenue, apply different commission percentages and setup the tax percentage to use for the taxes on commission. A list with already configured codes will appear. Choose New to add a commission code or select a code from the list and choose Edit to change existing commission details.



Description of the available options


Click this button to add a new record.


Click this button to change the details of the selected record.


Click this button to delete the selected record. Note that you cannot delete a record that is in use.



Detailed description



Description of the available fields

Commission code

A numeric or alpha numeric code of up to 4 characters. The code must be unique and is used to attach the commission calculation to travel agents. The code may also be printed on different reports.

Note.The code cannot be changed after the commission details have been saved. It might be in use by defined travel agents.


A description of up to 30 characters. The description can be printed on reports.

Product filter

The article filter is used to specify which revenue is commissionable. A travel agent might for example receive commission on room revenue, but not on food and beverage. For maximum flexibility, the article filter has to be entered as an SQL formula. A few examples are given below. Contact you vendor if you use a very different methods for commission calculation.





Calculates commission over all revenue posted on article 300


Calculates commission over all revenue posted on articles 300 and 301


Calculates commission over all revenue posted on articles in main group 1


Calculates commission over all revenue posted on articles in main group 1 and 2


Calculates commission over all revenue posted on articles in sub group 20


Calculates commission over all revenue posted on articles in sub group 20, 21 and 22


Calculates commission over revenue based on the reservation rate (rate code or package). Extra's (from splitting) and manually posted revenue is excluded.

.not.empty(Histpost.hp_rateid) or Inlist(Article.ar_artinum,300,301)

Calculates commission over revenue posted on the reservation rate (rate code or package). Extra's (from splitting) and manually posted revenue on articles 300 and 301 is also included.

Inlist(Article.ar_artinum,300,301) and .not.empty(Histpost.hp_rateid)

Calculates commission over the revenue posted on articles 300 and 301 but only if these articles are a part of the rate code splitting. Extra's (from splitting) and manually posted revenue is excluded.

Note.The Net revenue that result from the formula is commissionable. Posted tax is never commissionable.

Commission formula

The commissionable revenue which is a result from the product filter, is stored in the variable commrev. The commission will  be calculated over the NET revenue only! The variable can now be used to calculate the actual commission. Again you can use SQL formulas for maximum flexibility. A few examples are given below. Contact you vendor if you use a very different method for commission calculation.




A fixed commission of 25,00 (regardless of the result of the article filter, which must have a valid formula)


Calculates 10 % (0.1) commission from the commissionable revenue


This formula returns the lowest (min) amount of either 130 or the result of commrev*0.15 (which is 15 % commission from the commissionable revenue). In other words, the commission is maximum 130.


This formula returns the highest (max) amount of either 100 or the result of commrev*0.2 (which is 20 % commission from the commissionable revenue). In other words, the commission is minimum 100

Tax percentage

A numeric field with 1 decimal position to enter the tax percentage that must be calculated on top of the commission.

Note.In the travel agent definition you may specify whether the tax percentage should be calculated or not.


Saves and closes the screen.


Closes the screen without saving


Note.It is not possible to delete an existing commission code from the system. It might be in use by defined travel agents.

See Also