Tokenization Preferences The bomb advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster. Be extremely careful in changing the setting. Changing that parameter setting will have a verry strong impact on the systems functionality. It may cause the system to produce incorrect financial and statistical figures and the system may even stop working properly. Do not change the parameter if you are not absolutelly sure what you are doing, Contact your system vendor first!

The Tokenization function is used to store credit card details in a safe environment, i.e. Amadeus Payments. By not storing this information in Amadeus PMPRO directly we adhere to the security requirements of the Payment Company Industry.


How to get here?


Field description




Description of the available options

Tokenization Partner

Select the tokenization partner "Amadeus Tokenization Service"

Import / Export

First you import the tokencfg-file, this will fill out all the relevant fields. In case of any changes this information can be saved again via Export. Usual place to store is .\PMS\Common\Lib

Tokenization Service

This activates the tokenization

Business Advantage

This excludes the Business Advantage Card from IHG from tokenization


Provided by the tokencfg-file


Provided by the tokencfg-file 


Provided by the tokencfg-file


Provided by the tokencfg-file

User name

Provided by the tokencfg-file


Provided by the tokencfg-file

Show Shows the encrypted password
Time out for token retrieval process

Provided by the tokencfg-file (Default 120)


Time out for PPID retrieval process

Provided by the tokencfg-file (Default 10)


Interval for token retrieval process

Provided by the tokencfg-file (Default 2)


Supported Cards

Select the possible credit cards that the property accepts



Provided by the tokencfg-file

These URL's are used to tokenize, detokenize.



Select the fields from the reservation to be displayed as additional information during the tokenization of a credit card


Test Will test the connection to Amadeus Payments and will open the tokenization web page to tokenize a credit card number


Save the changes in the Preferences


Close the preferences without saving-


Apply changes without closing the preferences