See Also

Adjust Folios

Amadeus - PMPRO allows you to adjust the balance of outstanding account receivable folios. Use this option if e.g. there was a dispute about the amount if the folio.

How to get here?

To adjust a folio

  1. Enter the folio number you would like to adjust and choose [Search].

  2. Right click in the postings pane and choose Adjust.
  3. Specify the date that should be reflected on the adjustment. Note that the city ledger calculation on the manager report uses the actual business date, not the entered date!

  4. Specify the product, the quantity and the unit price.

Note Adjustments are NOT be calculated in any revenue report. In other words, the original revenue will remain the same even though you made a correction invoice. To also reduce the actual revenue you need to create a credit note.