See Also

New Sub Contact

Companies and travel agents can employ more than one person who makes bookings at your hotel. In Brilliant, these bookers are called sub contacts. Sub contacts are used for statistical reporting. For example, Slow Food International employ two people, Frank and Jane, who frequently book workshops and other events at your hotel. Frank and Jane are sub contacts of Slow Food International, which enables you to track who makes most bookings, Frank or Jane. Simultaneously, all revenue that is generated from the bookings that Frank and Jane make, are included in the total revenue of Slow Food International.

It is important for bookers to be sub contacts of their company or travel agent as sub contacts are used for statistical reporting.

How to create a new sub contact:

  1. Open the contact list.

  2. Search and select the company or travel agent you want to create a new sub contact for.

  3. Click the [New sub contact] button OR

  4. Choose [New sub contact] from the context (right click) menu.

  5. A new contact profile appears that already contains data from the company or travel agent, such as company name and address details.

The information that is copied from the company or travel agent is grayed out and cannot be changed in the sub contact profile, only in the company or travel agent profile.

  1. Enter the details of the booker.

  2. Click [OK] to save the sub contact.

  3. When you now perform a search on the company name, the search result will show both the company and sub contact profiles. Their icons have changed into for the company and for the sub contact.

When you make a reservation, make sure to link the booker to that reservation in the Company field.