See Also

Close Cashier

This option can be used to do your end of shift banking. If a cashier is closed, the total cash takings of the day will be reset to zero, allowing you to start with a zero balance for the next shift. Depending on your properties policy, different options are possible:

  1. Work with close cashier with "open" cash declaration

  2. Work with close cashier with "blind" cash declaration

How to get here?



NoteThe close cashier window only appears when there is a payment balance on you cashier number (i.e. payments have been posted). Your cashier will be closed automatically if you did not receive any payments.

Available fields and options



Description of the available options


Number of the pay method (Read only)


Description of the pay method (Read only)


Calculated amount of this pay method (Read only)
(Only visible when working with "open" cash declaration)


Possibility to enter the totals for each pay method.

If all is left zero the calculated amounts will be used automatically.
When closing the cashier the calculated totals should balance with the counted totals.

Close cashier

Will close the cashier and log off the current user


 TipYou may also print the Journal payments (current cashier) report from the Reports ยป Financial menu. The figures of this report should balance with the displayed calculated amounts.