See Also

Financial Preferences

The settings on the Financial page are used to customize Brilliant's behavior with regard to financial issues.

How to get here?

Field description




Print folio copy to

Amadeus - PMPRO folios and reports can be printed on any printer supported by Windows, including laser and InkJet printers. DOT matrix printers are not recommended though, because their much slower and make more noise then other printers. If you want a second copy of the folio to be printed on different paper (e.g. blank paper for the accounting department), you need a laser printer with an extra paper tray. To use this option:

  1. Enable the Automatic print parameter (see above) first.

  2. In the Copy of Folio to printer field, enter the name of the printer with the second paper tray

  3. Enter a semi-column

  4. Indicate the value of the paper tray that contains the paper on which the folio copy must be printed. Example: LASERJET;257.

Rounding paymethod

Specify the pay method that is used to post rounding differences caused by foreign currency payments. It is recommended to create a pay method that is only used for this purpose. This pay method must be created with the type Standard.


Foreign currency conversion can cause minor differences due to a rounding from e.g. 4 to 2 (or zero) decimal positions. To avoid an overall difference, these rounding differences will be posted to the pay method you specify here.

Tip.Create a separate pay method (e.g. pay method number 99) which you don't use for other transactions. This will make clear which amount was used for rounding transactions.

Local currency paymethod

This was created during the Euro-conversion to have folio's in EUR and the old currency: DM, Gulder, Franc, a.s.o. Here the old currency is defined.

Default folio style

The folio can be printed in several sort orders, here the default sort order is selected. Default is "Detailed".
Available options

  1. Detailed

  2. Per day, per Product

  3. Per Product

  4. Per Product, per price

  5. Per day

  6. Per day, per Product, per price

  7. Per room

  8. Per room, detailed

  9. Total stay

  10. Per print group

  11. Per day, per room, per product

Go to folio at check-in

This cause the system to open the folio at every check in according to the selected choice: "Yes", "No" or "Only if rate is charged at check in."

Enable Euro transition functionality

Function during the transition to Euro.

Allow delete (void) of charges

This enables the user to "delete" postings, the postings are marked as deleted, will be displayed in a red font and the amounts will be generally ignored. But the postings will not be physically deleted.

Allow delete (void) of payments

This enables the user to "delete" payments, the payments are marked as deleted, will be displayed in a red font and the amounts will be generally ignored. But the payments will not be physically deleted.

Year in folio number

This will cause the folio numbers to start with the year and six digits on the first of January, i.e. 2019000001

Folio Number is 9 positions

The bomb advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster. Be extremely careful in changing the setting. Changing that parameter setting will have a verry strong impact on the systems functionality. It may cause the system to produce incorrect financial and statistical figures and the system may even stop working properly. Do not change the parameter if you are not absolutelly sure what you are doing, Contact your system vendor first!Special function to have bill numbers with 9 digits only. Do not activate if not absolutely necessary!

PDF bill copy

A copy of the folio will be saved as pdf-file and will be used to reprint this folio.

No automatic print of bill at check-out

If activated folio's are not automatically printed on the default printer when checking out a reservation or closing a folio.
From PMPRO Version 10.2.139 this function is not used anymore: whenever a folio is closed or checked out the user will be asked whether to print or export the folio to an e-mail. Close will close this screen.

Autom. print of bills without nr.

Folio's with only postings and corrections without payment (no folio number) will be printed and will get a folio number through this procedure.

Bill number in check-out sequence

This will cause the system to distribute the folio numbers in check out sequence. This is the preferred default option. If not activated the folio numbers will be distributed on the first payment posted on the folio.

Currency Exchange Room # mandatory


Folio in guest language

Enable this option if you would like the folio being printed in the language of the guest. If you disable this option the folio will be printed in the language of the current Amadeus - PMPRO user (which is generally your countries language).

Print empty folio's

This will cause the system to print empty folio's too, automatically.

Reopening folio by crediting original

When reopening a folio, all charges and payments will be voided under today's date on a new folio, this folio will be closed and a further new folio will be opened and all charges and payments will be posted on this folio. This way the corrections will be all under today's date, the new folio will have a new folio number.
Product refundable deposit Product number for a deposit charged to the bill to be refunded at check out.
Printer with fiscal memory Not in use in 10.2.xxxx
Deposit transfer product Product used in the deposit module to charge and credit the amount of the deposit.
Trial balance Batch Code

Used to indicate which trial balance report should be printed as a part of the night audit. The report that is specified will be printed during the night audit after the rates have been posted. The night audit will then pause with the question if the trial balance is correct. Answer with [Yes] to continue the night audit, answer with [No] to stop the night audit to allow you to investigate the  problems after which the audit must be restarted.

  • PMPRO 10.2.125 and older: enter the list ID of the report that must be printed (ie _TRIAL or _GSTLDG).

  • PMPRO 10.2.126 and newer: enter a batch code and add the report to that batch.

Alternative reporting currency Currency in which reports can be called (as opposed to the system currency)
SAFT Not in use in 10.2.xxxx


Here the logo for the folio's can be defined
Amounts exclusive of tax

The bomb advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster. Be extremely careful in changing the setting. Changing that parameter setting will have a verry strong impact on the systems functionality. It may cause the system to produce incorrect financial and statistical figures and the system may even stop working properly. Do not change the parameter if you are not absolutelly sure what you are doing, Contact your system vendor first!Amadeus - PMPRO can work in a tax inclusive or a tax exclusive mode. If this parameter is enabled, all prices and room rates are considered to be net amounts and the applicable TAX percentage will be added during posting. Please note that Amadeus - PMPRO within the European Union must be set up as inclusive of taxes. More information



Enable second tax field

The bomb advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster. Be extremely careful in changing the setting. Changing that parameter setting will have a verry strong impact on the systems functionality. It may cause the system to produce incorrect financial and statistical figures and the system may even stop working properly. Do not change the parameter if you are not absolutelly sure what you are doing, Contact your system vendor first!You can specify a second tax percentage for products & services if this parameter is enabled. This option must be enabled for countries where each revenue item is subject to two tax calculations (e.g. United States and Canada where apart from governmental (GST) also a provincial tax (PST) is used. More information


Compound second tax

The bomb advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster. Be extremely careful in changing the setting. Changing that parameter setting will have a verry strong impact on the systems functionality. It may cause the system to produce incorrect financial and statistical figures and the system may even stop working properly. Do not change the parameter if you are not absolutelly sure what you are doing, Contact your system vendor first!This parameter is only available if the Enable secondary tax setting is enabled. If enable, the system will first calculate the first applicable tax amount over the net price. The second tax amount will be calculated over the net price + the first tax amount. if this parameter is disabled, each tax percentage will be calculated over the net price. More information

Separate VAT groups on folio Special way to display taxes per line in an exclusive system
Invisible amounts on cashier banking

If disabled, the system will calculate and display the total received amount per pay method once the close cashier option is used. Enable this setting if you do not want the system to display the total amounts received.

Enter password for transaction A user must re-enter his password to perform financial transactions if this setting is enabled. This option prevents users perform financial transactions on a colleagues user name / password.

Clear suppl. for style <> 1

The supplement text will not be printed if a bill style other than one is chosen.

Use financial departments

Financial departments are used to distinguish the departments in financial exports.

Voucher expiration is in months

If this is activated the period in the voucher product 'Expires after (Days)' will be calculated in month and not days.

Currency Exchange Room # mandatory A room has to be selected whenever currency is exchanged. This is used if the hotel only exchanges foreign currency for hotel guests.
Use daily exchange rates for currency exchange This way the exchange rates are saved and amounts can be recalculated with a specific exchange rate.
Enable 'Folio Care Of' for Agent Special address format for the UK to have the 'c.o. company name' above the travel agent address.


Save the changes in the Preferences


Close the preferences without saving-


Apply changes without closing the preferences