Pay Methods

Pay methods are used to settle guest folio's and Account Receivable invoices.


How to get here?

Field description

Available options

Detailed description





A unique numeric code of up to 2 characters (1-99)


Activate this tick box if this pay method is not to be used anymore.
Please keep in mind that the pay method can still be used by users with the user right to post an deactivated pay method.


A description of up to 25 characters. The description can be printed on reports and folios.

Press the arrow down key when the cursor is located in the description field. This will open a screen where to you can enter the description in multiple languages to allow you to print bills in the language of your guest.


A unique code of up to 3 characters used to enter the currency code such as 'EUR' for the Euro or 'USD' for the US Dollar etc. Enter the currency code of your local currency  for all pay methods except for foreign currency, for which you should enter the code of that currency.


If Amadeus - PMPRO is linked to a Central Reservation System (CRS), you must use the same character code for credit card pay methods as used by the CRS.


Specify the number of decimals the entered pay method uses. For most pay methods you should enter 2 (two) since most currencies use 2 decimals (as in $ 1.75).

Pay method Type

Each pay method type provides different functionality and determines how payments must be calculated. You may choose between:

  • Standard: this type should be used for standard payment transactions such as cash payments and payments with debit cards, cheques and bank transfers.

  • Currency: this type allows you to specify an exchange rate for foreign currency tenders. This pay method type can be used to settle folios with a foreign currency and for currency exchange transactions. Amadeus - PMPRO automatically converts the local currency amount into a foreign currency amount and visa versa.

  • Credit card: use this type to set up credit card pay methods. This type is required if you would like to use a credit card interface.

  • Ledger: use this type for direct billing functionality. It allows you to transfer the folio balance to a direct bill account, provided that the optional Accounts Receivable module has been installed.

CC Range

This field is only available when the pay method type field has been set to 'credit card'.

Use this field to specify the credit card type. The credit card types links to the credit card ranges which are used to validate credit card numbers used to guarantee reservations and to pay bills.

Disable in folio

Tick this box if you do not want to use this pay method for settling bills.

Credit card required

Tick this box if you want a credit card number to be entered in the reservation when using this pay method.

Credit card interface

Tick this box for credit card pay method types if transactions with this pay method should be processed through an optional credit card interface (e.g. ProtoBase, Elavon, 3C).


This field is only available when the pay method type field has been set to 'credit card' and when PMPRO is interfaced with a CRS. Select the applicable credit card type from the list.

Exchange. Rate

Use this field to enter the exchange rate of foreign currencies. Enter the local value of one item of the foreign currency. Examples where the local currency is US Dollar:

  • 1 GBP = US$ 1.4841

  • 1 Yen = US$ 0.008321

  • 1 Euro = US$ 0.9185

Disable in currency exchange

Tick this box if you do not want to use this pay method for currency exchange.

A/R Account

This field is only available when the pay method type field has been set to 'credit card'.

Tick the box to indicate that all transactions with this pay method should be transferred to a direct bill account in the (optional) Accounts Receivable module. Then specify the A/R account to which the transaction amount should be transferred to.

Guarantee to IATA number

Not in use.

Print Copy

A numeric field (1-9) that determines the number of copies that should be printed when a bill is being settled with this pay method during check-out.

Article / Department

Use this when you require an additional charge when this pay method is being used. For example, for credit card payments you may want to charge an additional 2% of the payment amount and for debit card payments you may want to charge an additional € 0.50. The 'article' setting determines the article to which the additional charge is being posted. If your system is configured to use financial departments you will also need to specify the department. Then use the 'Amount' or 'Percentage' field to specify the value that should be charged.

Amount / Percentage

In case you require an additional charge when this pay method is being used, specify if a fixed amount or a percentage of the amount that has to be paid.

Paymeth. stat. group

Select the pay method group to which this pay method belongs. This setting is used to summarize the received payment amounts on the manager and financial reports.

Account nr.

A numeric or alpha-numeric code of up to 10 characters used to enter the account number or general ledger number of your accounting/back office system. This setting is only used by (optional) financial export interfaces.

External driver

This field is used to extend the systems functionality when this pay methods is being used. For example to interface with a third party voucher system.


Not in use. This setting can be used for custom reports.

Open drawer

Not supported anymore.

User fields 1-3

Up to three user fields are available for additional functionality.


Saves and closes the screen


Closes the screen without saving