Every credit card type uses it's own range of credit card numbers, due to which credit card numbers can be associated with a Amadeus - PMPRO pay method. Credit card ranges are used:
To pickup the correct pay method / credit card type when you enter a credit card number in a reservation.
Credit Card Ranges from the
Setup ยป Financial menu.
Item |
Description |
Description of the available options |
Edit |
Click this button to change the details of the selected record. |
New |
Click this button to add a new record. |
Delete |
Click this button to delete the selected record. Note that you cannot delete a record that is in use. |
Description of the available fields |
Type |
An alphanumeric code of up to 8 characters to identify the credit card range. It is recommended to use the official code of the credit card type to which the range belongs to |
Begin |
The first/lowest credit card number of the range you would like to enter for the associated credit card type. |
End |
The last/highest credit card number in the range you would like to enter for the associated credit card type. |
Paymethod |
The pay method number that Amadeus - PMPRO uses for the specified credit card range. The credit card range is selected in the pay method. |
OK |
Saves and closes the screen |
Cancel |
Closes the screen without saving |
Amadeus - PMPRO rejects credit cards:
That do NOT fall in any specified range.
That DO fall in a range for which no pay method number is assigned.
That do not meet the LUN check requirements. It is therefore possible that a credit card is rejected by Brilliant, even though the number is valid according to the credit card ranges.
Amadeus -
PMPRO does not reject counterfeited or stolen credit cards. You should
use an interface
to an electronic payment system to also reject these credit cards.