See Also

Phone Booth

Charges of phone calls made in a phone booth can be charged to a guest by using the Phone booth option.

How to get here?

Note You may need to confirm your login by re-entering your password.

Available options



Description of the available options


Select a phone booth extension to narrow down the displayed phone calls


Press [Search] to refresh the screen


Click this button to close this window


Select phone calls and choose [Pay] when you receive direct payment for the selected phone call(s). The payment window appears, allowing you to post the received payment into passer by


Select phone calls and choose [Transfer] to transfer all selected phone calls to a guests checked in reservation. Select a reservation by searching for a room number or guest name.

Right mouse click: Delete

Select phone calls and choose right mouse click [Delete] to remove the selected phone calls from the system. Deleted call will be saved in Lost Interface Charges and can be called via the report 'Phone calls (lost and internal)' _IF00100



To charge for phone booth calls

  1. The phone booth call window displays all phone booth calls that have not been charged or deleted yet.

  2. Place a check mark in front of each call that needs to be charged. Then select one of the available options.