See Also

Batch Check-Out

The batch checkout option can be used to automatically checkout all reservations with a zero balance and a departure date of today. This option can be very useful to checkout large groups who's charges were posted to a paymaster.

How to get here?


Available options




Description of the available options


Enter (a part of) a group name

Any reservation matching the entered criteria will be checked out if having a zero balance and departure date today. If NO group name is entered and the batch check out is started ANY reservation with a zero balance and departure date today will be checked out!


Choose [OK] to check-out all individuals or members of the specified group with a today's departure date and a zero balance.

  • The system will now automatically check out all departures without a balance. If the batch check-out is ready, a message appears indicating how many departures are checked out. Reservations cannot be checked out if automatic postings (e.g. interface charges) are made during check-out.

  • All remaining reservations must be checked out with the standard check-out option.


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