See Also

Modify a letter template

Your vendor may have installed one or more letters templates. The installed letters may have been created with either MS Word or Amadeus PMpro internal report generator. Below you will see an explanation on how to modify MS Word templates. If you want to modify a letter that is based on a PMpro report, check define reports for more information.


Edit a Microsoft Word letter template

  1. Start the letter you wish to change from the reservation query (F7) on any reservation, preferably a reservation with a standard room (no dummy or conference room). Close the letter and delete it from the documents screen (right click on reservation » Documents).

  2. Go to Setup » Reports » Report Definitions.  Enter Documents in reports menu and click on Search.

  3. Select the letter you wish to change and click on Design.

  4. The template will now open, you should see the name of the template at the top of your screen:

  5. Text and lay-out can be changed here. Anything you change will be a permanent change in the template.  If you want to add merge fields, please check the next two chapters.

Additional information: BFWMerge.txt


When a PMpro letter is started, all the fields that are listed in the SQL of the report, are combined with the selected reservation and are added to the CSV datasource BFWmerge.txt. This file is located in the temporary folder (check Setup » Parameters » System » Temporary files folder).


The contents of the file depend on the selected reservation and the selected letter:


17396,16196,"0","Tuesday 23 November 2021","Wednesday 24 November 2021","23/11/2021","24/11/2021",,,,1,1,"OOTN","217","One Sofa Bedroom",1,0,"1","Part of ABBAS 231121 group. All acc and parking charges to PM

",99.99,"IGCOR","Accommodation","BEST AVAILABLE RATE

","Abbas231121","Waseem Abbas",,,"UNITED KINGDOM",,,,,,"Dear Sir/Madam Abbas,","Dear Sir/Madam Abbas,","Mr B",,,,"_SYSTEM_","_SYSTEM_","Cash",,,,0.00,,0.00,,,,,,"Abbas","Waseem",,,,,,,,,,"Amadeus Test Hotel 4","Breda"



How to add an existing merge field to a template

If you want to add merge fields from the current selection, you’ll need to link to the BFWmerge.txt file again as this doesn’t occur automatically when you open the template.

  1. Follow the steps of the previous chapter.

  2. Open the tab Mailings.

  3. Click on Select Recipients » Use an existing list.

  4. Search for the BFWmerge.txt file in the Temporary files folder and click on Open.  

  5. After you’ve done this, more buttons become available in the Mailings Tab. Put the cursor where you would like to add the field and click on Insert Merge field and choose a merge field.

  6. Click on Preview Results to see what the letter would look like merged.




Please refer to the Microsoft Word documentation for more information regarding mail merge and letter templates.