Report Definition

Reports can be created with Brilliants own powerful reports generator. Of course Amadeus - PMPRO is shipped with a large set of reports. Reports are divided into report groups. There are three different types of reports:

How to get here?



Description of the available options


Choose [Edit] to change the report menu entry, add the report to a batch and the report dialog which might be displayed when you run the report.


Choose this button to modify the report lay out in the PMPRO report designer


Click this button to add a new record. It is recommended to copy an existing report and change the copy, not to create a new report completely from scratch.


Click this button to copy the selected record.


Choose this button to enter additional translation on reports. The system will ask you for a language: EN for English,NL for Dutch, DE for German, FR for French


Choose [Export] to export the selected report.

The exported files can be saved to any location on your computer, the network or a USB disk and can be used to import the report again in another Amadeus - PMPRO version.


Choose [Import] to import a report in the Amadeus - PMPRO system.


Use this option if you have received a USB disk or email with files of a report you have purchased. After you have selected the import option, the file open dialog appears. Specify the drive or folder where the received report files are located, select the appropriate .DBF file and choose [OK]. The report files will be imported into the Amadeus - PMPRO system and the report is added.


Click this button to start and view a report.

Data SQL

Choose [SQL] to define the report SQL which determines which data should be collected from the Amadeus - PMPRO databases to print on the report.


Click this button to delete the selected record.


Detailed description



Description of general available fields

Report Group

Indicates in which Report Group (e.g. contacts, reservations...) the report can be found.

Report ID/ Based on

Displays the report ID. Reports ID's starting with an under score (_) are system reports which cannot be modified. Other ID's or reports without an ID represents custom specific reports, which may be modified.

Based on indicates on which other report (or ID) the report lay-out is based.

Reports with a "based on ID" share a single SQL and usually also a single lay-out with the report on which it is based. The only difference between the reports might be the sort order or the selection of data that will be printed.


A description of up to 50 characters. The description is used in the report menu and is printed on reports. Enter the description field and click onto the three dots icon to enter the description in multiple languages.

Output Type

Specifies the output of the report. Choose between:

  • Report with output dialog: indicates that a printer can be selected.

  • Report to printer: indicates the default printer will be used

  • DBF data file: indicates that the resulting data will be exported to a FoxPro database file in the \PMS\dde directory. The file name must be entered in the Output File field. This option can be used to mail merge contact or reservation details with a MS Word (confirmation) letter or label template.

  • BFWMerge CSV file: indicates that the resulting data must be exported to a comma separated file. A text file with the name C:\Temp\bfwmerge.txt will be created.

  • CSV data file: a textfile with the format of a CSV file will be created.

Report form

Specifies the report lay-out file. The file name may contain up to 8 characters and must have the extension .FRX , e.g. myreport.frx . This field cannot be used if the output option is set to DBF or CSV.

Output file

To specify the name of the FoxPro database file to which you would like to export the data. The file name may contain up to 8 characters and must have the extension .DBF, e.g. nwexport.dbf.  The file will be saved in the \PMS\dde directory. This field can only be used if the output option was set to DBF.

Note.To use this option, you need to install FoxPro ODBC drivers on every workstation.

MS Office link type

The MS Office link type is used to automatically start MS Word or MS Excel to merge data that were exported to a DBF or CSV file in to a MS word template or an MS Excel spread sheet. This option is only available if the output option was set to DBF or CSV. Choose None if you only would like to create an export file without merging the data in a Word or Excel document.



Merge document

Select the word or excel template to be used for the export of these data from the \PMS\DOT folder

User groups

To specify the user groups that are allowed to print the report. You may enter multiple user groups, separated by a comma, e.g. MANAGER,EVERYONE. All user groups are allowed to print the report if this field is left blank.


Preprocess to be executed before starting the report. This is often used to speed up the data gathering.


Postprocess to be executed after the report is finished.

Entity link type

Defines which entity this document is linked to: contact or reservation or allotment or leisure


If activated this report is hidden in the reports menu for everyone.

Conditional display expression

If this condition is true, the report is shown in the menu. Used for reports especially for certain modules or interfaces.

Index Expression

It is possible to display reports in different sort orders, in these fields these sort orders are defined and named.

Filter expression

Here additional filters can be added. For example to call a certain report with additional conditions to the used SQL query.

Provide alternative reporting currency

If the report is to display an alternative currency. In Setup, Preferences, Financial tab the field 'Alternative reporting currency' must be selected.

Report contains guest profile data

For the GDPR requirements


Saves and closes the screen


Closes the screen without saving

Description of parameter fields

Prompt 1...9

  • Enter the text that is to be displayed in the dialog. A star (*) in the beginning will hide this dialog. Click onto the three dots icon to enter the description in multiple languages.

Operator 1...9

Choose between:

  • Equals:  one entry field will be displayed in the dialog.

  • Range: two entry fields will be displayed in the dialog, used to select a range of date, e.g. all reservations with an arrival date between 1 January and 1 February.

Data type 1...9

Choose between:

  • Character: used for alphanumeric character entry.

  • Numeric: used for numeric character entry.

  • Date: used for date entry.

  • Logical: used for check boxes with a logical (true or false) entry.

Input Mask 1...9

Here the minimum of characters can be defined by entering exclamation marks: !!! indicates a minimum of 3 characters.

@*C  indicates a statement: false or true (.F. or .T. in minimum default expression)


Minimum default expression 1...9

Used to specify a default or minimum default that must be used in the dialog (depending on operator: Equal or Range). The default will also be used by reports printed from a batch. Examples:





the current Amadeus - PMPRO (business) date

g_sysdate -1


g_sysdate +1



True (check box is checked)


False (check box is unchecked)







Maximum default expression 1...9

Used to specify a maximum default that must be used in the dialog. The default will also be used by reports printed from a batch. Examples:





the current Amadeus - PMPRO (business) date

g_sysdate -1


g_sysdate +1
