See Also

Guest List and Share Guests

A reservation contains a main guest name and may contain any number of additional share guest names. All guest names are displayed in the Guest tab page of the reservation. A share guest is usually linked to an actual room reservation. However, for events that contain multiple room reservations it is also possible to link a share guest to the event. This is useful for example for an event with 2 rooms, two main guests and a third guest for which you do not know with which main guests he/she will share the room.


When your PMPRO system is interfaced with IHG CRS and we receive a multi-room or multi-segment reservation from IHG CRS, Amadeus - PMPRO creates one event, adds reservation and then links each guest name to the event but not to the actual reservation. In this situation each guest is a part of each reservation in that event. From the day of arrival, Amadeus - PMPRO allows you to indicate in which room the guest actually stays.


New From PMPRO version 10.2 is that share guest can be checked-in and checked-out separately from the main guest. This is to ensure a correct in house guest count in case of emergency issues.

How to get here?

Field description




Description of the available options

Check Box
Divide postings

This check box is only available when there are two or more share guests in a reservation who have their own folio. When you enable this check box, the rate code amount will automatically be divided by the number of checked-in guests and posted on the bill of each of the guests.

Insert Guest

Click this button to add an extra guest to the guest list.

Contact Details

Click this button to open the contact profile of the selected guest

Remove Guest

Click this button to remove the selected guest.


Click this button to save the changes.


Click this button to delete the selected record. Note that you cannot delete a record that is in use.

Description of the available fields

The pastel shaded background color of the guest records gives an indication of the 'status' of that guest:

  • Yellow: the currently selected record;

  • White: unselected records that are linked to the current reservation or are only linked to the event;

  • Gray and disabled: guest records that are linked to another reservation within the same event.

Check Box

The check box in front of the guest name allows you to assign/link the guest to the currently selected reservation.

  • Ticked: this guest belongs to the currently selected room reservation.

  • Unticked: this guest belongs to the current event or group reservation, but is not linked to any room reservation yet. Tick the check box to link this guest to the currently selected room reservation. Note that this will update the total number of guests in the reservation accordingly.

  • Unticked and disabled: this guest is already linked to another reservation within the same event or group reservation.

Adlt / Chld

The number of adults and children that are involved with this guest record.

Last / First Name

The last and first name of the share guest.


Click this button to search for existing contact profiles.


The title of the guest.


The language the guest speaks.


The country of residence of the guest.


The room number that is assigned to the reservation where this guest is linked to. This is only visible if the guest is linked to a room reservation and a room number has been assigned to that reservation.


The arrival and departure date of the share guest. Share guests can arrival on or after the arrival of the main guest  and leave on or before the main guest.

Check Box Folio

Tick this check box to indicate that this share guest will have his/her own folio.


The reservation status of the share guest. The status is always the same as the (original) status of the room reservation, except when the share guests is checked-in or checked-out.

Share guests in the reservation list

To link share guests to a reservation or room

Guests who are displayed in the reservation list without a paper clip are linked to the event, but not yet to a specific reservation or room. Follow the next steps to link a guest to a specific reservation or room:

  1. Select the 'target' reservation or room where the guest will stay and click [Edit].

  2. Open the [Guest] tab and search the unlinked guest record and tick the check box in the first column. Note that this will update the total number of guests in the reservation accordingly (except when the share guest arrives at a later date or has already been checked-out). Show example...

  3. Save the reservation. The guest is now linked to the reservation which is indicated by the paper clip in front of the guest name. Show example...

  4. reservation list now looks as in the screenshot below. You now see that paper clip icon for both Spencer and Andrews who now share room 205, and the [+] icon is gone from Flynn, because he is now the only person staying in room 204.

To 'move' a share guest to another room

Follow the next steps to move a guest to another reservation or room that belongs to the same event or group:

  1. Select the room reservation to which the share guest is currently linked.

  2. Open the guest tab and untick the check box of the guest who will move.

  3. Select the room reservation where the guest will move to.

  4. Open the guest tab and tick the check box of the guest again.

Check-in procedure for reservations with share guests

From PMPRO version 10.2 share guests can arrive on the same or a later date then the main guest. To ensure a correct in house guest count in case of emergency issues, it is also possible to check-in a share guests separately from the main guest. There are two possible scenario's:

  1. Check-in all guests that belong to the reservation: search the reservation, select the reservation line as usual and check-in. Consistent with previous versions, all guests will be checked-in automatically. Show example...

  2. Check-in share guests individually: search the reservation, expand the guest list with a click on the [+] icon to display all sharing guests. Select the arriving share guest and check-in. This will check-in the main reservation line and the selected share guest. All other arriving share guests must be checked-in before you can start the night audit. Show example...

NoteThe main reservation line will always be checked-in , even when you check-in share guests separately. This causes the Shift+[F7] arrival list to display checked-in reservations in case there are still unchecked-in share guests attached to that reservation.

Check-out procedure for reservations with share guests

Reservations can be checked-out through the departure list. However, share guests can be checked-out separately and on an earlier date then the reservations departure date. The following remarks apply:

  1. If a share guest does not have his/her own bill and leaves at the same moment as the main guest, click [Bill] followed by [Check out].

  2. If a share guest has his/her own bill, select the share guest in the departure list and click [Bill] followed by [Check out].

  3. If a share guest does not have his/her own bill, select the share guest in the departure list and click [Zero balance check out].