See Also

Add a report to a batch

Batches are used to print multiple reports with just one click of the mouse. Batches can be printed from the Batches option in the Reports menu. The following steps explain how a report can be added to a batch.

  1. Choose Batches from the Setup ยป Reports menu.

  2. You will see a list will all existing batches.

  3. Find the batch to which you would like to add a report or add a new batch code and make a note of it's code.

  4. Click onto the button Reports

  5. Click onto the button New

  6. Search for and select the report you would like to print in a batch.

  7. The report dialog opens and the defaults for this report can be entered. Also the Batch conditionals (Examples) and the sequence of the report within the batch.

  8. Choose [OK] to save the report.

  9. Close the Reports window to save the changes.

A detailed description you find here.