See Also

CRS Interface Preferences

The CRS page is used to specify settings to interface with third party Central Reservation Systems. Additional interface software must be installed to interface with third party systems. Contact your vendor for an up-to-date list of supported systems. To activate the CRS page, you first need to specify the CRS interface on the System page.

How to get here?

The bomb advises you about potential problems and helps you steer clear of disaster. Be extremely careful in changing the setting. Changing that parameter setting will have a verry strong impact on the systems functionality. It may cause the system to produce incorrect financial and statistical figures and the system may even stop working properly. Do not change the parameter if you are not absolutelly sure what you are doing, Contact your system vendor first!Interfaces are installed and tested by your vendor, preferably together with the vendor of the system that has to be interfaced. Do not change any of the interface parameters. Changing a parameter may cause an interface to stop working properly, which may result in loss of data!

Available options

On the System page you can select one of the following CRS interfaces:

Field description

The layout of the CRS page depends on the CRS interface you select on the System page.