See Also

View User Log

How to get here?



Description of the available options

Select Query Conditions

This screen is to enter the search conditions

Select Columns to show


This screen is to select the display information. Available columns:

  • Date Time

  • Hotel Date

  • User

  • Description

  • Old Value

  • New Value

  • (User-)Right

  • Granted

  • Room Number

  • Reservation Number

  • Workstation

Action type

This field is to select the displayed information. Available options:

  • only finance

  • only reservations

  • only contacts

  • only rooms

  • only (user-) rights


Set a filter to a string of characters to be contained in the description of the executed action

Hotel date range

Set a filter to a hotel date range

Log date range

Set a filter to a system date range

Room nr.

Set a filter to a room number (the exact room number)

Reservation nr.

Set a filter to a reservation number


Select a certain user or users to narrow down the results


Select a certain workstation or workstations to narrow down the results


Select actions from certain modules to narrow down the results

Browse also more sensitive data

Switch to a different view to display the actions that touch more sensitive data, actions that are not displayed in this screen, like changes of credit card number (no credit card numbers shown of course) or log in data


Starts the search with the entered criteria

Send to Excel

Will export the results to excel


Will remove all search criteria to start a fresh new search


Closes this search screen