Action Types

In Brilliant, you can create actions for yourself and others and link these to a contact profile or reservation. In order to create actions, you must first define action types.

How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of the available fields


A unique numeric or alpha-numeric code of up to 3 characters that is used for reports.

Warning.Do NOT change the code once the action type has already been used. This will have the same effect as deleting an action type, as explained above.


A description of up to 25 characters that can be entered in multiple languages. The description is used to attach the action type to an action. The description can also be printed on reports.


Select one of the following two action screens:

  • The Standard screen shows the following fields: date, time, user, department

  • The Airport pickup screen shows these fields: date, time, # persons, transportation, flight details, visa type, pickup/return, user, department


Select an icon you feel is appropriate for this action type. The icon is displayed, along with the description, in the list of actions, contact profile or reservation.

Tip.Defined action types can be printed from the Reports » System menu.