Create a multi room reservation to quickly create multiple reservation for small parties who all have the same arrival and departure date, i.e. you know exactly how many rooms you need. For example for a family who need a parent and children room.
A multi room reservation is created the exact same way as normal guest reservations. The only difference with a normal reservation is that you make a reservation for more then one room for the same party. Once you save the reservation, the multi room reservation is split apart into individual reservations. A group name is required to keep all reservations together.
Amadeus - PMPRO allows you to apply a reservation change to all reservations with the same group name. If you change a reservation of an individual group member, the system will ask if you would like to apply the change to the entire group.
Amadeus - PMPRO validates the changes with the group change rules before the change is actually applied.
- PMPRO also contains an advanced group reservation module which allows
you to create a master reservation in which you specify rates and default
reservation settings. You also allocate a number of rooms, these rooms
reduce the hotels general availability. Unpicked rooms are returned to
the hotels general availability after the cutoff date has been reached.