Housekeeping Statuses

Housekeeping statuses are used to inform the system and its users that rooms are clean, dirty or ready for inspection. The statuses 'Clean', 'Dirty' and 'Ready for Inspection' are used by default however, it is possible to change the statuses to suit your preferences. An example of another frequently used set of housekeeping statuses is:

This set of housekeeping statuses is recommended if you wish to keep track of room discrepancies.

How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of the available fields


A numeric or alpha-numeric code of up to 3 characters. The code must be unique and is used for reports.


A description of up to 25 characters that can be entered in multiple languages. The description is used for searching on and changing to different housekeeping statuses.

Status Type

Select one of the following status types:

  • Attendant in room

  • Clean

  • Dirty

  • Ready for inspection

Observed Occupancy

Select one of the following:

  • No change: choose this option when using the default housekeeping statuses or a similar set-up.

  • Occupied: choose this option when the selected housekeeping status should indicate that the room is currently occupied, e.g. Occupied Clean/Dirty.

  • Vacant: choose this option when the selected housekeeping status should indicate that the room is currently vacant, e.g. Vacant Clean/Dirty.

When adding new or changing existing statuses, never use a code that starts with CI, CO or NA. Failure to do so will result in an error when trying to edit rooms with this status in Housekeeping » Query.


If you make changes, do not forget to also change the statuses in the Systems tab of the Preferences. Then go to Housekeeping » Query » Search, select all rooms [CTRL]+[A], click [Status] and change the status of all rooms to the equivalent of Clean or Vacant Clean.