Title Codes

Titles can be selected in the contact details. They are used to personalize (confirmation) letters. You can pre-define title codes to avoid having to type the title and salutation for each contact.

How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of the available fields


A code of up to 2 characters. You can only enter an existing language code. A list with available codes will be displayed if you leave this field blank or enter an invalid code. Defined titles will be available in the contact details based on a combination of the language and title code.


Enter a title of up to 15 characters in the language you have specified in the language field. This will be available in the title field when you create or edit a contact.

Home Address

Enter an attention of up to 30 characters in the language you have specified in the language field. The entry will be used when you send (confirmation) letters to the guest.

Note.Changing the attention will only affect new letters.

Business address

Enter an attention of up to 30 characters in the language you have specified in the language field. The entry will be used when you send (confirmation) letters to companies.

Note.Changing the attention will only affect new letters.


Enter a salutation of up to 50 characters in the language you have specified in the language field. The salutation will be copied into any (confirmation) letter you create for the guest.

Note.Changing the salutation will only affect new letters.