Discount Code Definition

The discount codes feature allows you to predefine discount percentages that can be used in reservations. For example, if you have an agreement with your national car association (NAC) to give their members a 10% discount when they show their card, you can specify a discount code NAC with a description and a 10% discount value. You can then created their reservations with the regular rates as usual. Amadeus - PMPRO will then posts the discounted rate rather then the actual rate. This is a good alternative to overwriting the rate in the reservation or creating additional rate codes.


The discount percentage will only be calculated on the reservation rate, the discount is not applied to the extra service, banqueting etc. By default, the discount will be calculated on the reservation rate as well as on every item in the rate code breakdown. However, in each rate code breakdown item you can indicate that the item should be excluded from the discount. Example for a reservation with a rate of € 100,- which includes a € 10,- breakdown for breakfast. If you give a discount of 10%:



No discount

10% discount
INCL breakdown

10% discount
EXCL breakdown

Reservation rate


100-10% = 90,00

100-10% = 90,00



10-10% =   9,00


Room revenue




How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of the available fields


An internal code of up to 3 characters. You should not change the code once the code has already been used. This will have the same effect as deleting a code, which is explained above


A description in the enabled languages of up to 25 characters. The description can be printed on reports and confirmation letters.



A numeric value from 1 to 99 indicating the discount percentage, which will be used to deduct the discount from the rate in the reservation.