Rate Code Definition



Please note: With the IHG CRS 2way interface active all rate codes for standard rooms (not conference or Dummy rooms) are managed by IHG ConcertoTM . If any restrictions are entered, they are only valid locally: the are NOT uploaded!


The rate code definition option includes a powerful way to define (conference) room rates. Different rates can be configured for different room types for one of 7 different periods, including daily, weekly and monthly rates. For each rate a revenue breakdown (also referred to as splitting) can be added..


Before rate codes can be defined, you need to define products first and create the Revenue Breakdown select Rate Revenue Breakdowns from the Setup » Reservations menu. To define rate codes, select Rate codes from the Setup » Reservations » Rate Codes menu. A window to search for a specific rate code appears, leave blank and choose Search if you want to see a list with all configured rate codes. Choose New to add a new rate or select a code from the list and choose Edit to change the details. If you Copy a selected rate code, the rate code details will be copied to a new rate code, allowing you to change the rate details don't forget to select the relevant revenue breakdown (splitting). Choose OK After defining a rate code, you must use the Manage button to define the rates for this ratecode.

How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of the available fields


Fixed/Base: Represents a flat rate amount rate.

Discounted/Derived: This is a percentage or amount based off the Fixed Rate Code chosen in the next field  ”Based on”. Please remember when using Discounted/Derived some of the fields are taken over from the ”Based on” ratecode, therefore are greyed out and you are unable to change. (can only be used in combination with a fixed rates setting of night/everynight)

Based on

Only used in combination with a Discounted/Derived Style.  The Fixed Rate Code that all deductions will be taken from.  **The Base Rate code setting for Date and Room type will override all other settings

Rate Code

The rate code is a numeric or alpha numeric code of up to 10  characters. A rate code is entered in every reservation to indicate how much the guest will have to pay. The same rate code may be used for different room types, different sell periods.

Warning! Do not create a rate code with spaces or comma's. This is not accepted by the allotment module. Use an underscore instead.



Check the complimentary box for all rate codes that are used for complimentary reservations. All reservations created with a complimentary rate code will be counted in the systems statistics as Complimentary.

Note.It is necessary to create separate complimentary rate codes because the rate code field in a reservation cannot be left empty. You can of course use a standard rate and overwrite the amount with zero. In that situation however, the reservation will be counted as a normal reservation in the statistics and not as complimentary.

Warning!Do not mark the complimentary box if you have specified rates. In that situation the system would calculate reservations with that rate code as a complementary reservation although the guest did not stay in the hotel for free.

Confidential Rate


Mark the confidential box to indicate that the rate is confidential. If marked, registration cards can then be set  not to print the rate (registration cards are not included as a standard report, contact your vendor for information). This option would be useful for rate codes used for travel agent reservations.


Purpose is to flag negotiated rate codes or special promotion rate codes as non-public. By default they will not appear on the Availability/Rate Query. To display negotiated rate codes three options can be used:
1. A qualifying contact can be added.
2. A Rate Group
3. A (begin of) rate code.


This will remove the Rate Code from the Availability » Available Rates Screen and the Setup » Reservations » Rate Codes screen (however if you would like to see these rates there is a tick box 'Include inactive rates' on the Rate Codes screen).


A description of up to 30 characters. The description will be shown on screen. Press the icon at the end of the line to enter a description in multiple languages. If no External description is entered this  description will be used for confirmation letters, reports and bills.

Ext. Description


A description of up to 30 characters. The ext. description can be printed on confirmation letters, reports and bills. Enter the ext. description field and press the icon at the end of the line to enter a external description in multiple languages.



The period option indicates for which period the entered rate(s) are valid. You may choose from Hour, Day Part, Night, Week, Month, Stay and Day.

Nights in rate

Minimum number of nights a reservation has for this rate.

Addon rate

Additional Rate Code to be used if the guest is going to stay past the number of days in this Rate Code.

Posting Rhythm


The posting rhythm determines at which moment the specified rate will be posted. If, for example, you specify a rate of 700.00 with period week and posting rhythm night variable, the system will post 100.00 every day (1/7 of the rate of 700.00). You may choose from Every night, First night at checkin, Stay at checkin, Stay at checkout, Week, Month and Night variable.

Rate group


Filtering option that allows you to filter all of Rate Codes in the same group on the Rate Management Screen.
Best Western: Enter here the corresponding Level from MemberWeb. Remember RACK must always be linked to Level A.

Main article


The main article is used to balance the total posted revenue breakdown amounts with the total amount that is posted on the guests bill. It is required to specify a main article for each rate code.

This is best explained with an example for which the total room rate posted on the guests bill is 150.00 and the rate includes breakfast for an amount of 15.00.



Posted on guests bill

Posted revenue

100 room rate


150.00 -/- 15.00 = 135.00

200 breakfast







Revenue Breakdown

This is formally the “Split”.  To create a Revenue Breakdown go to Setup » Reservations » Rate Revenue Breakdown.  Please note that now you only need to create a Revenue Breakdown once and it will be available to any Rate Code. (not a mandatory field)


Often specific rate codes are created for specific markets, e.g. business, leisure or groups. The system allows you to pre-define a market code in the rate code definition. Once a rate code has been entered in a reservation, the market code in that reservation will automatically be entered.


Often specific rate codes are created for specific sources, e.g .individuals, agents or companies. The system allows you to pre-define a source code in the rate code definition. Once a rate code has been entered in a reservation, the source code in that reservation will automatically be entered


Rates may also be entered in a foreign currency value. Enter here the currency paymethod  the currency must be defined in the paymethod definition table, and must have a paymethod type currency. During rate code posting, the system will check the paymethods exchange rate and calculate and post the configured rate in local (Brilliants base) currency.

The system will use the exchange rate specified on that day of check in during the entire stay, to avoid fluctuations in the rates posted during the guests stay.

Deposit policy

The required deposit for this Rate Code

Note.This can be left Blank and entered on the reservation

Warning.Deposit policy must be setup separately, this is setup with a paymethod

Room Type

Tick the boxes for the room type (s) that apply to the rate amount in this Rate Code.

De. arrival/departure time

The default arrival and departure times for this Rate Code


The description note, can be used to enter a large amount of text, for example to describe the contents of a package rate and be used  to print on confirmation letters. Press the icon at the end of the line with the 3 dots to enter a external description in multiple languages. Best to describe all the features of this rate code, like inclusive Breakfast and/or inclusive Dinner.

Warning.Do not use the Enter key on your keyboard to create multiple lines, if the description note must be printed on a confirmation letter with MS Word. Line breaks will be ignored if the details are merged in a MS Word document. If confirmation letters are created with a report from Brilliants report generator, you may use line breaks without limitation.

VAT/TAX exclusive

This allows you to choose if this rate is exclusive of VAT/TAX.

Deriv. amount

Used only for Discount / Derived Rate Codes: The flat amount that is to be deducted from the Fixed/Base Rate per Room.

Warning. Best Western When you want to use "Plus" Derive amounts this must be used in combination with the Update as Fixed set as enabled

Adult / Child 1-5

Used only for Discount / Derived Rate Codes: The flat amount that is to be deducted from the Fixed/Base Rate per Adult / Child.


Used only for Discount / Derived Rate Codes: The percentage that is to be deducted from the Fixed/Base Rate.

Please note when using multiple derive, tier amount and percentages it works as follows: On an Adult1 rate of 109.50
1st all amounts
Derive amount 15.00
Derive adult 9.50 (and children)
Tier amount 5.00         15.00+9.50+5.00 Total 139.00
2nd Derive %
Derive 10%                 139.00*10% = 13.90 Total 152.90
3rd Tier %
Tier 20%                    152.90*20% =30.58 Total 183.48

Base room type

Only used for Rate Amount management.  All the other Room Types will increase or decrease based on the Rate Amount of the Base Room Type.  Please note that you would NOT be able to change Room Types independently of the Base Room Type if you decide to use this feature.  It is best used when your Rate Amounts are ALWAYS +/- the Base Room Type Rate Amount.

Romtype derivations

The amount higher or lower than the Base Room Type amount.  This amount should be zero if you are not using the Base Room Type.

Sell Priority

The order which you would like the Rate Codes to show on the Availability and Available Rate Codes screen.  All rate codes with the same Sell Priority will be sorted alphabetical.  If there isn’t a Sell Priority set the Rate Codes will show alphabetically.  You can also set a Sell Priority in the Rate Management Screen for a specific date range to highlight a Rate Code for that time.

Sell Period


The sell period indicates the period in which reservation can be sold
From version 10.2 :The sell period indicates the period in which reservation can be sold. The rates setup in the rate management are indicators for the stay period of the reservation and the sell period is the period to sell.

e.g. rates are setup from 01-01-2013 until 31-12-2013. The sell period is from 22-11-12 until 10-01-2013. This means reservations with a stay period within 01-01-2013 until 31-12-13 can be created from today up until 10-01-2013. On 11-01-2013 no reservation can be created.

CRS Allocation

BEST WESTERN: The allocation will represent the number per room type for that rate code. If all rooms should be available the total inventory can be entered or the value for the highest room count.


None of the below fields should be ticked for local sell only ratecode. Reservations made in PMPRO for these local sell ratecodes will appear in Memeber Web with the HP (houseplan ratecode).

Update CRS Status

Based on  BEST WESTERN Pre-implementation guide (when Inventory is enabled Status must also be enabled)


Update CRS Inventory

Based on  BEST WESTERN Pre-implementation guide (when Status is enabled Inventory must also be enabled)

Update CRS Rates

Based on  BEST WESTERN Pre-implementation guide


Update CRS guarantee

Based on  BEST WESTERN Pre-implementation guide: This flag indicates whether or not the guarantee cancel policies should be sent to Member Web.

Update as fixed


Based on  BEST WESTERN Pre-implementation guide:
This field needs to be enabled if you want to use 'plus' derive amounts on derived ratecodes.

Ratecode RACK is a fixed rate
Ratecode RACKBB and RACKDBB are derived/discounted from RACK
RACKBB and RACKDBB must be sent to Memeber Web with "Update as fixed" enabled when it has a higher rate than RACK.

To get a copy of the latest Preimplmentation guide

If you require to see the latest preimplementation form:

Email: propsys@bestwestern.com with the property name, property number.

Send as high priority and they will send the back the preimplementation form for the requested property.