See Also

Advance Folio Option

This option allows you to automatically post all remaining charges of the guests stay, e.g. in case a guest leaves early. This option is therefor only available when you choose to [Check-Out] a reservation with a future departure.

How to get here?

  1. Open the folio of the reservation for which you would like to post all remaining charges.

  2. Choose [Check-Out].

  3. Choose the Advance Folio option, all charges will be posted automatically.

  4. The payment window appears. Enter a payment to immediately close the folios balance or choose [ESC] to return to the folio.

  5. The export screen appears: select 'Print' or 'Export'

    If 'Export' was chosen, select/enter an email address and choose the language

Note This option does not automatically check-out the reservation. Choose the early departure option to check-out.