See Also

Early departure

This option allows you to check-out a guest before the scheduled departure date. This option is therefor only available when you choose to [Check-Out] a reservation with a future departure.

How to get here?

  1. Open the folio of the reservation that must be checked out before the scheduled departure date.

  2. Choose [Check-Out].

  3. Choose the Early Departure option.

  4. The payment window appears in case the folio has a balance.

  5. Enter a payment, the reservation will now be checked out.

  6. The export screen appears: select 'Print' or 'Export'

    If 'Export' was chosen, select/enter an email address and choose the language

Note This option does not automatically post all remaining charges. To do this, first choose the post all remaining charges option, then choose [check-out] again followed by the early departure option.