See Also

Folio Details

Amadeus - PMPRO automatically opens a folio (also referred to as bill) for each reservation. After check-in, all charges are posted to this folio.

How to get here

Note You may need to confirm your login by re-entering your password.

Folio window

Each reservation has a maximum of three live folios. The folio window contains the following areas:

Available options

The following options can be reached through the context (right click) menu, while some options can also be activated with a button. The used option applies to the selected folio.





Description of the available options


Balance of the folio above

Pay method

Here the pay method for this folio can be chosen


Close the folio window


Edit the selected charge or payment:

The displayed charge date can be changed, a print group can be selected, the posting name can be overwritten, a supplement text can be entered or changed and the department can be changed (depending on the product)


To post a product

Check out

To trigger the check out


To transfer the selected charge(s) to another reservation


To print the selected folio


To post a payment


To correct a charge or payment (it will be counter posted automatically)


To export a folio. Note: only a closed folio can be exported

Print empty folio

To print a folio without charges or payments

Charge Rates

To charge a rate code manually onto the selected folio



Right mouse click options  options

The following options can be reached through the context (right click) menu, while some options can also be activated with a button. The used option applies to the selected folio.





Description of the available options


Edit the selected charge or payment:

The displayed charge date can be changed, a print group can be selected, the posting name can be overwritten, a supplement text can be entered or changed and the department can be changed (depending on the product)


To change the status of a charge to DLT (deleted), meaning it will be ignored (red font).


To split a charge or a payment


To post a product

Charge Rate Codes

To charge a rate code manually onto the selected folio


To post a payment

Check out

To trigger the check out


To print the selected folio

Folio options

To select the format of the selected folio

or to add a note onto the folio, to close the folio or to reopen a closed folio.


To transfer (PUSH) the selected charge(s) to another reservation

Transfer group

Only works on the folio of a dummy room reservation.

To transfer charge(s) to this dummy room reservation folio
A window with group members and their folios will open, to select the folios and a window with the charged products will open to select which charges are to be PULLED to this dummy room reservation folio.

Add window

If the third folio window is not displayed automatically (if no travel agent was entered in the reservation) this option enables the third folio.

Add folio to guest from list

To select a sharing guest to have his own folio

Restore columns

Restores the columns of the screen to the default