See Also

Post Charges

The charge window, which is used to post charges to guest folios, is used throughout the system.

How to get here

The charge window can be reached as follows:

Note You may need to confirm your login by re-entering your password.

Field description





Description of the available options


Select the product to charge by product number


Select the product to charge by product description


Select the department (if applicable)


Enter the sales quantity. Enter a negative number for correction postings.


Specify the unit price. The actual charge that will be posted is quantity * unit price.

Custom text

The custom text replaces the product description when you print the folio. Leave blank to print the print the actual product description.


The supplement text is an additional text that will be printed with the charge. The supplement text is required for correction postings.


Displays the balance of the selected folio


Note Use the [Tab] key on your keyboard to move to the next field. Use [SHIFT] + [Tab] to move backwards. You must move to the next line to finish a posting. The posting will not be made if you do not move to the next line!

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