See Also

Passer By

The passerby option is useful for direct sales to people who do not have a reservation, or even to guests with a reservation but who directly pay for sold products.

How to get here?

Note You may need to confirm your login by re-entering your password.

Available options



Description of the available options


The contact link box allows you to specify a contact who's details should be printed on the folio. Leave blank to print the folio without contact details.


Select the product to charge


You can select the product to charge also by product name


Select the department if necessary


Enter the quantity


Change the price if necessary

Custom text

Change the custom text if necessary


Enter a supplement text if necessary

[Tab] or [Enter] in the Supplement will post the charge


To cancel the passer by folio (already posted charges will be voided)


To pay the posted charges it will open the  payment  window  

  • Paymethod: To select the paymethod

  • Amount: To change the amount if necessary

  • Rate: always '1', read only field

  • Custom text: To change the custom text if necessary

  • Supplement text: Enter a supplement text if necessary
                            [Tab] or [Enter] in the Supplement text will post the payment

  • [Close]: To close the window, abort the passer by postings and void all previously posted charges and payments