See Also

Query Housekeeping

This option allows you to control the room status (clean and dirty), assign room attendants to specific rooms and view room discrepancies.

How to get here?

Available search options




Description of the available search options


Select one of the defined room statuses to only display the rooms that match the selected status, e.g. Legionella, Dirty or Clean.


Enter a floor number to only display the rooms located on the specified floor. Multiple floor numbers need to be separated by a comma (e.g. '1,2'). Floor numbers are specified in the room number definition.


Enter a section number to only display the rooms linked to the specified section. Multiple section numbers need to be separated by a comma (e.g. '1,2'). Section numbers are specified in the room number definition.

Room type

Enter a room type to only display the rooms that are linked to the specified room type. Multiple room types need to be separated by a comma (e.g. 'OSBN,OSBS'). Room types are linked in the room number definition.

Room number

Enter a room number to only display the room specified. Multiple room numbers need to be separated by a comma (e.g. '101,102').


Enter the name of a room attendant to only display the rooms that are linked to the specified room attendant.

Display discrepancies only

Enable this option to retrieve a list with all rooms for which a discrepancy has occurred.


Click this button to search for the entered criteria


Click this button to close the window.



Available button options




Description of the available button options




Select one of the defined housekeeping statuses. Your choice will be displayed in the 'Status' column of the housekeeping list.



This field can be used to enter the number of persons that occupy the room according to the room attendant to keep track of room discrepancies.

You can only enter the number of people staying in the room for one room at a time.


Choose [Attendant] to assign a room attendant to the selected room(s).


More information

There are several ways to select more than one room to quickly change the status of the rooms or assign a room attendant.

The housekeeping module can only be used if the room status control option is enabled in the Reservations Preferences.