See Also

Allotments (CRS IHG)




The Amadeus - PMPRO allotment module is a powerful way to handle room blocks for e.g. travel agent allotments (also referred to as allocation or block). Within each allotment a number of rooms is specified that have to be taken out of the hotel's availability and added to the travel agent's availability. Room reservations from within an allotment are taken out of the allotments availability while standard reservations are taken from the hotel's availability.

How to get here?

Available options

The allotment window consists out of three areas.



Description of the available options


To enter a (part of an) allotment code to search for


To enter a (part of an) company name to search for


Date range of the allotments to search for

Include CXL allotments

To display also allotments with the status CXL

Prospect status

To display also allotments with the status PRO

Tentative status

To display also allotments with the status TEN

Definit status

To display also allotments with the status DEF

Allocation status

To display also allotments with the status ALC


Enter your search criteria and click [Search] to find all allotment that meet your criteria. Leave all search fields blank to display a list with all allotments that are defined in the system


To close this screen


Right mouse click options




Description of the available options


To enter a new allotment.

Amadeus - PMPRO uses a wizard to create allotments. Take the next steps to create a new allotment:

  1. Click [New] to create a new allotment.

  2. The allotment window will be displayed, enter the allotment details

  3. Enter the details in the Revenue tab

  4. Select the room types tab to enter the used room types within this allotment.

  5. Select the rooms tab to enter the number of rooms per room type.

  6. Select the rates tab to enter the rates per day per room type per adult

  7. Select the Res. Defaults tab to enter the reservation defaults

  8. Select the Release tab to add additional releases

  9. Select the Breakdown changes tab to enter rate revenue breakdown changes

  10. Select the log to display the history of this allotment

  11. Select Naming Hist. to see the history of names list entries.

  12. Click [OK] and answer the question if you would like to "Continue and change convention/group data" with [Yes]



Select an allotment in the upper part of the screen and click [Edit] to make changes to that allotment. The allotment header window will be displayed.


Select an allotment in the upper part of the screen, then select a date in the lower left area . Then click [Reservation] to pick up a room from that allotment and create a reservation for the selected arrival date. The reservation window will be displayed.


Select an allotment in the upper part of the screen and click [Denial] to enter a denial for that allotment. The denial window will be displayed.

View event

To view the attached event


To enter/view/edit/complete actions attached to this allotment

Resend to CRS

To resend the allotment to CRS (if an CRS error occurred and the cause was corrected)

CRS Errors

To view any CRS error for this allotment


To view documents attached to this allotment

New document

To create a new document attached to this allotment


Available buttons


The following buttons are available in the allotment window:




Description of the available options


To enter a new allotment.

Amadeus - PMPRO uses a wizard to create allotments. Take the next steps to create a new allotment:

  1. Click [New] to create a new allotment.

  2. The allotment header window will be displayed, enter the allotment details and click [Next].

  3. Select the room types and rate codes that may be used for reservations within this allotment and click [Next].

  4. Click [Yes] to the question if you would like to generate room and rate records.

  5. The rooms window will be displayed, allowing you to allocate rooms per room type to the allotment. Then click [Next].
  6. The rates window will be displayed, allowing you to specify rates per rate code for this allotment.

The rates window is only displayed when you have selected one or more specific rate codes in step 3. In this case you can specify different rates then your standard rates and only make reservations within the allotment for those rate codes. If you have select * as a rate code, you can make reservations with all defined rate codes and their standard rates.


Select an allotment in the upper part of the screen and click [Edit] to make changes to that allotment. The allotment header window will be displayed.


To copy or to move an allotment to another date


Select an allotment in the upper part of the screen, then select a date in the lower left area . Then click [Reservation] to pick up a room from that allotment and create a reservation for the selected arrival date. The reservation window will be displayed.


Select an allotment in the upper part of the screen and click [Denial] to enter a denial for that allotment. The denial window will be displayed.


To cancel an allotment

Names list

To open the names list screen to add reservations


To immediately release rooms from the allotment

Force upload

Force an upload to overwrite existing values in CRS


To change the cutoff date of the selected allotment