See Also

Ledger Preferences

The settings on the Ledgers page are used to customize the behaviour of the optional account receivables module.

How to get here?

Field description





Move paid ledgers into history (days)

Enter a value of 1 or more to move your paid ledgers after the specified number of days into the history. Please note that there a no changes possible once the have been moved to the history.


Aging categories

Aging categories are used for financial reporting to identify how many days bills are overdue. Specify a value (in days) in each category. A good setting would be 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120.


Reminder categories

The accounts receivable module allows you to automatically print reminders for all accounts with an outstanding balance. Specify a value (in days) in each category. A good setting would be 30, 45 and 60. Each category is linked to a reminder letter, enabling you to send:

  • a friendly reminder to accounts with invoices that have been outstanding for 30 to 45 days,

  • a less friendly reminder to accounts with invoices that have been outstanding for 45 to 60 days,

  • a non-friendly reminder to accounts with invoices that have been outstanding for 60 days and longer.


Print payment receipts

Enter a value of 1 or more if you would like to print a receipt for each payment entered in the Accounts Receivable module. The value indicates the number of copies that have to be printed. Leave to 0 (zero) if you do not want to print receipts.


Separate invoice numbers

If enabled, the system can keep a separate counter for invoices. The separate invoice numbers start with a prefix, e.g. the letter I for Invoice in English. To do this, mind the following:

  • A separate invoice number is given when a ledger pay method type is used to settle a folio during check-out. If you first choose [Pay] to settle the folio and then check out, the system will generate a standard bill number, without the prefix.

  • If the parameter 'Year in bill number' has been enabled in the Financial Preferences, the separate invoice number will also have the year as a prefix, which will change on 1st January every year (Note: a support employee must set an initial invoice number).

This option cannot be used in Italy as Italy already differentiates Recivuta and Fatura.

User fields 1-2

You can enable up to two user definable fields by specifying a name for each field. The field(s) will be displayed in the Receivables window with the field name(s) you specified in the first text field. Although you may enter a description of up to 25 characters, only 16 can be displayed in the Receivables window. In the second text field, you may enter a default entry. If you would like an entry in the user field to be required, enter yes in the 3rd field. You will not be able to save an account without an entry in the user field, when yes is entered.

Details entered in the user definable fields are not printed on any system report. Contact your system vendor for additional custom reports.

  • Field 1: enter the field name that should be displayed on the reservation screen.

  • Field 2: enter the field mask. Example:

  • Empty: free form text field.

  • !!!!!!!!!!: 10 capital letters

  • 99999: 5 digits

  • Field 3: enter one of the following values to required an entry in this field: YES, Y, ON, 1, TRUE, T, JA, J

AR internal Pay method

This is the pay method used when using the Summary button.



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