See Also

Account Details

Accounts or account receivables are companies or individuals who's folios can be balanced with a ledger pay method (i.e. direct bill, account to company, city ledger).

Accounts are used in the account receivable module.

How to get here?

Field description



Description of the fields in the a/r account

Account number

Used to specify a unique account number. The first available number will be provided automatically but may be changed. The account number cannot be changed after you have saved the details.

Company / contact

Use the contact link box to search for the contact that must be associates with this account.

Credit limit

Credit limit to be displayed in the AR Aging Report.


Specify an account type. Most A/R reports can be printed for all accounts or only for accounts within a specified account type.

Include in batch statements

Include this account in the batch of statements

Include in batch reminders

Include this account into the batch of reminders

Last statement

Displays the last date on which a statement has been printed.

Last Reminder

Displays the last date on which a reminder has been printed.


Choose between

  • OK: folio balances for this account may be transferred to the account receivable module.

  • Cash Only: this accounts folios must be paid upon check-out. The balance may not be transferred to the account receivable module. A warning message is displayed when you create a reservation for this account.

  • Black list: see cash only, different warning message when you create a reservation for this account.

User defined field 1

To be used according to the customers wishes.

User defined field 2

To be used according to the customers wishes.


If there is no balance on this account it can be set to inactive, that it cannot be used anymore


Click this button to save the changes and close the screen


Click this button to close the screen without saving the changes


Possible Messages