See Also

Product Print Grouping

In general, the product description that is entered in the product definition will be printed on the guest folio. In some situations, you or the guest may prefer another text to be printed. There are two ways to overrule the default product description:



When using print grouping codes, select the bill format 'Per print group' before you print the bill to print the description of the print grouping code instead of the product description.

TipThis option is commonly used for Pay TV products as business guests may prefer their folio to read "Room Service" instead.

How to get here?

Detailed description



Description of the available fields

Print Code


A numerical field of up to 2 characters (1-99). The code must be unique.

Note.The code cannot be changed after the print grouping code has be

Warning.Do NOT delete or edit printer group code '0' as this will have a negative impact on the system's integrity and may cause system errors.


A description of up to 25 characters that can be entered in multiple languages. The description will be printed on guest folios.

Copy Description to Custom text

Tick the box if you would like the system to copy the description to the custom text when you manually post a product (that has the selected print grouping code attached) on a bill.


Saves and closes the screen


Closes the screen without saving