Room Type Definition

Room Types are one of the most important settings for the reservation system. Room types are used to:

How to get here?

Note Always re-build the availability after you have created or changed a room type.



Description of the available options


Click this button to add a new record.


lick this button to change the details of the selected record.


Click this button to delete the selected record. Note that you cannot delete a record that is in use.


Detailed description



Description of the available fields


A unique code of up to 4 characters. The code is used in the room number and rate code definition as well in reservations, allotments etc.


If your property has smoking and non-smoking rooms, you may want to create separate room types to see how many of each you have available. This will duplicate the number of room types. Example: If you have smoking and non-smoking single, double and twin rooms, you would create 6 room types, e.g. SNLS (single smoking), SNLN (single non-smoking), DBLS, DBLN, TWNS and TWNN. Alternatively, you can use room features. Please note however, that no availability is kept for features.

CRS Room Type

This setting is used to map the CRS room type to the PMPRO room type in case the system is interface with an external CRS.

Each room type that exists on IHG CRS must be linked to a room type in PMPRO. For example, the room type code for single non smoking rooms in PMPRO is SNLN, while the equivalent for this room type on IHG CRS is OSBN. Even though it is possible to use different codes in each system, it is strongly recommended to use the same codes as this makes it easier to balance the two systems with each other. Please note that even when both systems use the same code (e.g. both are OSBN), you should still specify the CRS equivalent room type. You do not need to specify a CRS equivalent for room types that do not exist on IHG CRS (e.g. your meeting rooms).



A description of up to 25 characters that can be entered in multiple languages. The description is printed on reports and can be used in confirmation letters.


The room type group determines how the specified room type is being calculated in the availability. Select from:

  • Standard room: for normal (bed)rooms.

  • Conference room: for conference and meeting rooms.

  • Dummy room: non-physical rooms. Commonly used to create paymasters and house account reservations. Dummy rooms are not calculated in the availability.

  • Combination room: for bedrooms and conference rooms that can be sold as 1 or separately. When sold as 1, instead of booking the 2 or more individual rooms, 1 combination room is booked. A combination room is calculated in the availability, but does not add an extra room to the inventory. See the Notes for examples of combination room set-ups. Combination rooms are not calculated in the availability.

Examples of combination room set-ups:

  • Bedrooms: Rooms 201 and 202 interconnect, they can be sold separately or as 1 room. Room 200 is created as a combination room. When 201 is sold, room ... If sold as 1 room, e.g. room 200, this room is considered a combination room.

  • Meeting rooms: Meeting room A can be split into 2 rooms for 15 people (A1 & A2) or sold as 1 room for 30 people (A). Meeting rooms A1 and A2 are considered conference rooms. Meeting room A however, is classed as a combination room.


Select Roomtype subroup that can be used to filter search criteria in the rate management screen.

Rate code

Optional. The specified rate code will be used as a default rate code for this room type when you create a reservation. This is very useful if the majority of reservations have the same rate code (e.g. RACK rate). The setting is overruled when a default rate code has been selected in the guest's contact profile.

Maximum Booking Level %



Optional. By default, room types are displayed in the Availability from left to right in the order the room types were created. The default order can be overruled by entering a sequence number. The room type with sequence number 1 will be displayed first (at the left), the room type with sequence number 99 will be displayed last (at the right).

Max adults

Used to specify the maximum number of adults the room type can occupy. When making a reservation for more adults than specified, a pop-up will be displayed informing you that the maximum number of adults for that room type has been reached. You may still choose to continue and create the reservation.


Optional. This field can be used to link room types in order to adjust the availability of one room type when another one is booked.

Show in Availability

Enable this option to show the room type in your availability. Typically not ticked for dummy and combination rooms.

Sum in availability

Enable this option to include all rooms linked to the room type in the sum of your availability. Typically not ticked for dummy and combination rooms.

Room number required

Optional. When ticked, a room has to be assigned when making a reservation. Advisable to tick for conference roomtype. When ticked, the room number has to be selected when making a reservation.

Conference status required

Optional. When ticked, the conference status (set-up of the meeting room) has to be selected when making a reservation.

Housekeeping Credit (This feature can be used to forecast the number of room attendants needed per day based on the room movements.) Note that the housekeeping credits are only calculated when you use the Assign Attendants feature.

Stay-over cleaning

Enter the number of minutes or credits needed to clean a stay-over room.

Stay-over linen

Enter the number of minutes or credits needed to perform a linen change AND the frequency the linen needs to be changed during a stay-over. Example: 5 minutes every 3 days.

Check-out + other services

Enter the number of minutes or credits needed to clean a checked-out room.

Vacant room inspection

Enter the number of minutes or credits needed to inspect a vacant room, e.g. salmonella check.


Tip.Defined Room Types can be printed from the Reports » System menu.