See Also

Available Rooms

The room number availability displays the available room numbers on a given date. You are also able to search for room numbers based on specific room features. During check-in, the room availability is used to assign a free room.

The room availability displays unassigned room numbers, not the number of rooms you have available on a given date. In other words: if the room availability displays five unassigned rooms, it does not necessarily mean that you have five rooms available. You may have reservations to which no rooms have been assigned yet. You should use the Availability, Available Room Types or Available Rates to see how many rooms are available.

How to get here?

Available options






Enter the arrival date for which you would like to view the available rooms.

This field is automatically filled in when you assign a room to a reservation.


Enter the number of nights for which you would like to view the available rooms.

This field is automatically filled in when you assign a room to a reservation.


The departure date is automatically filled in when you specify the number of nights you want to view the availability for.

The field is automatically filled in when you assign a room to a reservation.

Room type

Select the room type for which you would like to view the available rooms. Leave blank to display all available rooms.

This field is automatically filled in when you assign a room to a reservation.

Features 1-3

Select one or more room features to view all available rooms with the selected features. These fields may be updated automatically in case you select a reservation which contains specified features.

Amadeus - PMPRO may indicate that there are no rooms available in case one or more features are specified. Remove one or more features to see if you have other rooms (without the requested features) available.

Clean rooms first

This option is enabled by default to display clean rooms above dirty rooms. If you disable this option, available rooms will be displayed in room number order.


Include occupied rooms

This option is disabled by default to view vacant rooms only. Enable this option to display rooms that are occupied as well as vacant rooms.




Click this button to search for a record that meets the entered criteria.


To Tablet

Click this button to transfer the available rooms to a tablet to show the customer.



Click this button to close the window.




More information

The room availability screen is also used to assign a room prior to or during check-in, as well as to perform a room change.